Andrew Hyatt writes:
 > Gee, I really think you are being unreasonable here.  I think JDE
 > could improve in user friendliness.  A lot of things in emacs-land
 > can.  That doesn't mean to switch to GUI's or anything.  But JDE
 > SHOULD be user-friendly.  You can have user-friendly emacs programs,
 > look at BBDB.  It's usually not significantly more difficult to make
 > things easier than it is to make them harder.  It just takes a
 > willingness to listen to user feedback, and a perception of what
 > interactions seem to be "pain points".  If JDE was not friendly,
 > people wouldn't use it, they would use Java-mode instead.  Some people
 > at my company do exactly this.  I'm not saying JDE's UI is very bad,
 > I actually think it's one of the better UI's in emacs-land.  However,
 > I think there is room for improvement.
 > An example of a ui problem: I was showing my boss how to use
 > JDE.  I showed him how to attach to a running Java process and step
 > through the program.  When he asked how to see local variables, I
 > paused for a second.  I do this all the time, but I made my own
 > keybinding for it.  So I looked through the menu and found
 > "JDebug->Display->Local Variables".  When we did this, though, it
 > wasn't what I wanted, and he wasn't very impressed.  I had to assure
 > him that there was a very nice way to view local variables, I just
 > could't find it at the moment.  I later found it was at "JDebug->Show
 > Buffer->Locals".  I think things that cause confusion like this are a
 > real problem.  If I can't find the command, it's as much a problem as
 > if the command doesn't work.  To me, there would be no difference.
 > For this case, perhaps that Display menu item should be renamed
 > something else, although I don't use it enough to know what would be
 > more appropriate.

Display->Local Variables came before the local variables buffer. It
was intended as a stop gap. It requires that you get the object
id of the variable whose value you want to dislay. My intention
ultimately was to have it display the value of the variable at
point. I never got around to finishing it. There are a lot of
unfinished features in the JDEE. So many features, so little time.

- Paul

 > "Artur Hefczyc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 > > > My personal opinion is that Emacs should become a little more user-friendly, 
 > > > otherwise IDEs like JBuilder and WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer WILL 
 > > > take over, and Emacs will become a notepad on steroids. I don't know about 
 > > > you, but I have a tough time remembering just a few function names, not to 
 > > > mention the several hundred that JDEE/Emacs offer. GUI isn't such a bad 
 > > > thing. Let's face it, we're living in the 21st Century.
 > > Maybe I am too old for modern 21st century apps. Maybe not. I even used
 > > Linux with kernel version below 1.0.0, don't exactly remember which one.
 > > During my development career I used many advanced IDEs: Borland Pascal,
 > > Delphi, Borland C++ builder, JBuilder and some other. At last I fallen
 > > in love to emacs and after starting programming in Java to JDEE for
 > > emacs.
 > > Look, Emacs shouldn't be user friendly because it isn't for users.
 > > Emacs is for developers so it should be developers friendly. And it is!
 > > I assume you are Java programmer. If you have troubles with remembering
 > > just few function names how can you be good Java programmer? Java has
 > > much more classes and methods. And each new JDK release offers next sets
 > > of packages with classes.
 > > Development is all about learning. If just don't like learning change
 > > your duty. 
 > > Actually I am not going to force you use emacs+jdee or other IDEs or
 > > change your programming habits. Emacs+JDEE is for java developers as
 > > well as other Java Builders. They are simply for different kind of
 > > developers.
 > > Don't change emacs! I love it as is. If you don't like it switch to
 > > different IDE.
 > > 
 > > PS. Please, please don't send copy of your e-mails to my address.
 > > I read jdee mailing list regularly so I don't need copies of each
 > > mail.
 > > 
 > > regards
 > > Artur Hefczyc
 > > -- 
 > > Artur Hefczyc                      
 > >
 > >

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