I have used the Expbus for 5 years on my KR-2.  I added a 35 amp circuit 
breaker for the VW Diehl alternator rated at 20 amps.  My system has a main 
battery and a backup battery.  The Dynon D10A has a built-in backup battery. 
The Expbus keeps all three batteries isolated and charged automatically. 
The electronic circuit breakers work great.  Most mechanical circuit 
breakers are rated for 10,000 trip cycles.  The Expbus electronic breakers 
have no life-time limiting.  When the electronic breaker does trip, the 
circuit current is limited to about 10 micro amps.  Reset is automatic when 
the circuit is shut off with the individual power switch.  The Dynon D10A 
and Grand Rapids engine monitor are switched on with the master power 
switch; these have electronic circuit breakers also.  The electronic 
ignition, starter relay, fuel gauges, lights, radios, GPS, intercom and 
mixture meter are switched through the Expbus, all with the right-sized 
electronic circuit breakers.  The printed circuit card has one massive 
ground lug for connecting a single point ground; this is a great feature for 
noise suppression on the radio and headsets.
I cannot attest to the company's long term viability.  I am quite pleased 
with the operation of their Expbus.

Sid Wood
Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD, USA
Dan asked,

> "Is that the same company that put out Anywhere Map which is now

I guess Craig will tell us how defunct they are regarding this product
he's either ordered or received.  They still show this EXPBUS as
something they have in stock and are shipping but I wouldn't expect any
sort of customer service following the sale.  Hopefully if Craig has
ordered this unit he won't need any customer service long-term.  Control
Vision appears to be selling their remaining stock of whatever is left in
the warehouse.

Something that concerns me about this unit is that it says it uses a
sophisticated design that takes the place of conventional breakers or
fuses and will automatically re-set after an appropriate interval if
there is an overload on that circuit.  What if a person wants to take
that circuit off line?  I guess in that case you'd just turn the circuit
off using the switch for that circuit.  Is that how it works Craig?  This
is advertised by Control Vision as an "advanced feature".  I like the
all-in-one design that simplifies organizing ones electrical system.
Hopefully Craig can tell us more about it.  It looks like something that
could save a builder some time putting the panel together.

I am using the  "Expbus 2V DC Load Center Toggle" unit.  Simple and straight
Here is a link.

>> I've been looking on KRnet.org and found some good information about
> electrical systems.What are some of your challenges, concerns and whatnot
> you guys came across when designing your electrical system?
> Thanks!
> Trevor

Don't know anything about the health of the company but when I ordered mine 
a year ago I had no problems.  The breakers open when an over current 
It then has a drain circuit that keeps a little current flowing to keep the
breaker tripped.  When you turn off the associated switch the current drops 
zero and the device resets.  All good in theory and Sid has actually used it 
I would refer any question to him.


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