Brenda wrote:
If you have an edging with corners what are the chances that a
readymade square of fabric will be exactly the right size without
easing/stretching the lace?

Another thing to bear in mind is that often the premade hankies with the
entredot <sp> edging are not always square.  This didn't stop me making quite
a few wedding hankie edgings for blank hankies I purchased in Germany.  I made
the pricking very slightly larger than the actual hankie and eased the fabric
along the sides and corners to make the lace fit.  I don't think anyone
noticed and the premade holes make it a lot easier to sew onto, especially for
a sewing klutz like me. When it came to my daughters wedding hankie which had
lace that went into the fabric at the corners, I had that one professionally
mounted by hand.  Don't ask me where but it was done in Belgium.

Janice Blair

Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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