[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Tue, 05 May 1998 21:35:49 -0400 moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> >Exactly the point. The press made leaps that the researches didn't. 
>> media >put their spin on the story but in no way does that point 
>towards a hoax.
>> So the reporters tell a different story than the results of a test 
>> support and you see no problem?
>> That is the problem.
>I see a problem and it's not in the reseach nor the media. As with 
>many stories the
>mediatends to inject there own words to grab the audience. My problem 
>with the media
>regarding this story was that they felt another lead story regarding 
>Web Hubbell was more
>important. It wasn't until later in the day they gave the story the 
>credit it deserved.

Hi Mac,

Obviously Terry never got past the headline. <VBG>


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