On 02/02/2011 05:49 PM, Jonathan Harley wrote:

I don't see what print's got to do with it.  Any rendering, whether to
paper or to a screen, changes the bits used; if you take that as the

Where multiple sources of bits are combined to produce a single new work, that new work is a derivative of each source.

meaning of modified, then there could be no "unmodified" renderings of
any database, which means in turn that there could be no collective
works, so the conditions about being separate and independent would be

Combining multiple elements into a new derivative work is not the same as mechanically transforming a single element to produce a new derivative work.

It is easy to distinguish them conceptually, legally, and in the licence.

But I don't think that "rendered" is a sensible meaning of "modified" in

"Combined and printed" is, though.

this context, any more than changing the font or line length would be
considered modifying a text.

Modifying font or line length might not change a text but it would certainly change the typographic arrangement.

- Rob.

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