> I believe it's now only:
>>    - Someone besides Matt runs through process from start to finish and
>>    is successful ;-)
>> ​I don't have any idea what "the process" is, or what it's supposed to do.

Oh! Well that's certainly a problem. :)

> So, what I am asking is for a revision of the first comment of #562 so
> that it is clear what has been done and how it can be tested.  Thanks.

This is done. You probably missed the update since you were about to head
out on vacation. See "Production Release" heading for the recipe.
If there are things that aren't clear please point them out so I can
address them. (...just noticed a command mistake, fixing that shortly)

> This is a special case of the communication principle, which I try always
> to follow, that a project isn't complete until it has been clearly
> communicated how and why the project is complete.



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