> >>> I've never had a problem with the term as used in Leo.  To me, it 
> conveys 1) that a (clone) node looks different from another because it 
> appears in a different place, but 2) if you look closer, it's exactly the 
> same inside. 
> I'm not saying that the term that the term should be abandoned, just that 
> it should have the points that you see, mentioned more explicitly in the 
> documentation.  Personally, my understanding of cloning from biology lead 
> me astray.

For me I found your contrast of clone as it's used in biology and as it's 
used in Leo useful. The term portal, not as generally communicative to the 
world as is clone in my opinion, is helpful in this conversation. I've not 
thought of a better word or short phrase than clone though. I definitely 
like the visuals of portals and corridors. After today I might foreverafter 
hear the Star Trek transporter sound effect when using "goto any clone" 
command. ;-)


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