Here are two utility commands/scripts I use that help with this kind of 

1) get_plugins -- Show all plugins with their their docstrings.
2) Create Outline From Clipboard -- With a copied node or entire outline in 
the clipboard, create a new outline from it.

Run  *get_plugins * with CTRL-B to install its commands.  Run the *Create 
Outline From Clipboard*  node with CTRL-B when you have a node or outline 
in the clipboard to create a new outline with that node.  It's convenient 
for making small outlines to share, like this attached one.

In the output from *get_plugins* we can find this bit:               
    Adds "Back" and "Forward" buttons (Qt only).  Creates "back"
    and "forward" buttons on button bar. These navigate the node
    history. ...

It's a whole lot easier than pawing through LeoPyRef to try to find out 
what they do.

On Wednesday, March 23, 2022 at 4:13:23 PM UTC-4 jkn wrote:

> On Wednesday, March 23, 2022 at 8:01:58 PM UTC wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 3:29 PM jkn <> wrote:
>>> Bl**dy hell, I remember now, there used to be forward and back arrows on 
>>> the toolbar, didn't there? Why do I no longer see them??
>> I think they're part of the (or similarly named) plugin.  Might 
>> not have it in @enabled-plugins :) 
> Thank you - somewhat amusingly I see in the plugins directory on this 
> machine (my main one, for a long time),
> I have a nav_qt.pyc file from 2016!
> I guess I lost the plugin during some period of leo unuse around that 
> time, and didn't re-enable it,
> nor remember about the buttons, when I later updated things.
> How I've been suffering for the last 5+ years...
>     J^n

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Created by Leo: -->
<leo_file xmlns:leo=""; >
<leo_header file_format="2"/>
<v t="tom.20220313132552.1"><vh>get_plugins</vh>
<v t="tom.20220313160135.1"><vh>find_python_files</vh></v>
<v t="tom.20220313160152.1"><vh>get_docstr</vh></v>
<v t="tom.20220323161750.1"><vh>Create Outline From Clipboard</vh></v>
<t tx="tom.20220313132552.1">@language python
from os import listdir
from textwrap import wrap

def show_plugins_doc_clip(event=None, useclip = True):
    """List all plugins and their docstrings.
    Output to the clipboard.


    files = find_python_files(plugins_dir)
    entries = []
    for fil in files:
        pth = g.os_path_join(plugins_dir, fil)
        with open(pth, encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
            block =
        docstr = get_docstr(block)
        entries.append(f'{fil:&lt;22}  {docstr}')
    entries_str = '\n'.join(entries)
    if useclip:
        tabName = 'List'
        c.frame.log.clearTab(tabName), tabName = tabName)

def show_plugins_doc(event=None, useclip = False):
    """List all plugins and their docstrings.
    Output to A Log Pane tab named "List".
    show_plugins_doc_clip(event, useclip)
<t tx="tom.20220313160135.1">def find_python_files(path):
    pythons = []
    for item in listdir(path):
        if item.endswith('.py') and '__init__' not in item:
    return pythons

<t tx="tom.20220313160152.1">def get_docstr(block, too_long = 5):
    """Try to find the docstring of a python file.
    Works even if the docstr is contained in a &lt;&lt; named section &gt;&gt;.
    The docstring is shortened if it contains too many lines,
    and is rewrapped.

    Docstring multiline formatting principles:
        1. First line is not blank.
        2. First line has same indentation as the rest of the body.
        3. No more than too_long lines.
        4. If clipped, end docstr with ellipsis ('...').
        5. If last line would contain only an ellipsis, move it
           to the end of the previous line and remove the last (now blank)
        6. No sentinal lines included. 
    the modified docstring
    start = -1
    for quote in '"""', "'''":
        start = block.find(quote)
        if start &gt; -1:

    if start == -1:
        return ''

    start = block.find(quote) + 3
    end =  start + block[start:].find(quote)
    doc = block[start:end]

    if doc == 'None':
        doc = ''

    # Formatting for multi-line docstring
    doclines = [line for line in doc.split('\n') if not line.lstrip().startswith('#@')]
    if not doclines[0].strip():
        doclines = doclines[1:]
    toolong = len(doclines) &gt; 5
    if toolong:
        doclines = doclines[:4]
        doclines[0] = doclines[0].lstrip()
        while not doclines[-1].strip():
        doclines[-1] += ' ...'
        doc = '\n'.join(doclines)
    manylines = len(doclines) &gt; 1
    if manylines:
        doc = '\n' + '\n'.join(wrap(doc, width = 65, initial_indent = ' '*4,
                        subsequent_indent = ' '*4)) + '\n'
        doc = doc.strip()
    return doc
<t tx="tom.20220323161750.1">@language python
from leo.core.leoFileCommands import FastRead as FR

def createOutlineFromclipboard():
    """Create a new outline from a string.

    The clipboard must contain an XML-format Leo outline.

    s  =
    # Create new outline
    c1 =

    # Construct tree from outline string
    fr = FR(c1, c1.fileCommands.gnxDict)
    v = fr.readFileFromClipboard(s)

    # Shove new tree into commander of the new outline
    c1.hiddenRootNode = v

    p0 = c1.rootPosition()

    # Highlight root node in tree as if we had clicked on it
    g.doHook("headclick1", c=c1, p=p0, event=None)



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