On Wednesday, March 23, 2022 at 3:03:55 PM UTC tbp1...@gmail.com wrote:

> On the subject of CTRL-clicking, Leo has a feature that is fantastic when 
> you are cruising around in its source code trying to learn how something 
> works.  If you CTRL-click on a method invocation, you will get transported 
> to its definition.  It misses once in a while, but usually  works.
> Here's an example you can walk through.  Open the LeoPyRef.leo outline 
> (File/Open Specific Leo File).  This contains Leo's code base. In the tree 
> view, select *Command Classes* and expand it, then select *@file 
> ../commands/checkerCommands.py * and expand that.  Expand class 
> *MypyCommand* and select the *mypy.check_all* node.  In the body you will 
> see self.check_file(fn).  Hmm, what does that do?  CNTL-click on it, and 
> Leo will navigate to the *mypy.check_file* node.  In this case the node 
> is right there in view anyway, but in other cases it could be somewhere 
> else and you'd have trouble finding it.
> You can navigate back to the starting point by clicking the back arrow 
> button (twice in this case).
Bl**dy hell, I remember now, there used to be forward and back arrows on 
the toolbar, didn't there? Why do I no longer see them??

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