Can you give a few more details on your build environment (distro,...)?
If this is Escuelas Linux, can you possibly also quickly try whether the
same happens with e.g. Debian?
If I remember correctly, you mentioned that you wanted to set up a VM.
If I find the time, I might want to try to reproduce the issue locally -
though I can't promise.

Which way are you currently using to retrieve the sources (git or
tarballs) and what version of LibreOffice are you trying to build?

On 11/08/2019 02.18, wrote:
> Thanks.
> Added:
> CC=gcc -mfpmath=sse -msse2
> CXX=g++ -mfpmath=sse -msse2
> To autogen.input
> Then
> make clean
> ./
> make
> However, the compile process still crashes. Here are the last lines of
> the output:
> [...]

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