Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 00:26:48 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 20 gig Fujitsu in an overclocked L50 and working!

Well I've finally gone out and got myself a Fujitsu 20 gig hard drive for my L5, an 
MHN2200AT. Lets see how it goes .... I'm putting EZ-Drive 9.06 on it ... here goes, 
for your amusement and bermusement I've recorded what I did and my thoughts through 
this process. If you find it interesting good for you if you find it a waste of time 
well ... umm ... whatever .... hehe

Right I just opened up the libby and pulled out the motherboard to get at those 1mm 
spacers that are under that black plastic sheet (ya I know you can use a screwdriver 
to get them out without fully taking the libby apart but I'd rather not risk driving a 
screwdriver into the motherboard) ... they came out pretty easily but you gotta make 
sure you remove the CLEAR ones as well as the BLUE ones (I almost missed the clear 

OK I've just booted EZ-Drive, the filename of the full thing was "WD ezdrive 909W 
906bios", when it was making the boot disk it said 906 but I've just run it in the 
Libby and it syas 9.09W ... *shrug* ...

Hmm ... it finds the Fujitsu MHN2200AT which has to be a good sign given I've 
overclocked this libby from 75 to 100MHz using that single pin cut method, looks like 
at this stage this hard drive doesn't have the same problem as the IBMs have with 
overclocked libbys ...

OK this is interesting, it recons I need a boot disk for Win95 *shrug* good thing my 
Tecra is running the right version ...

Right ... for some strange reason EZ-Drive says you either create FAT32 or FAT16 
partitions but it doesn't give you the option of creating the first partition as FAT16 
then the rest as you want (I want to boot Win98, NT and Redhat on this thing) ... you 
also can't leave free space which is annoying ... I might just do a single 20 gig 
FAT32 then use FDISK later ...

Oh good its finished ... now to use fdisk to partition around that hibernation 

Bleh ... give up on that idea, I really dun wanna reinstall the OS ... I'll just do 
the usual 2 gig first partition (so both Win95 and WinNT will recognise it), image the 
old hard drive onto the new one so I'll have a laptop to use then figure out the rest 

Of coures, at times like this you remember little things ... like the need to back up 
the OLD hard drive ... *sigh* OK put the old hard drive back in, clip on the docking 
bar, plug in the floppy disk drive, fire up the old Tecra 500 (my aging laptop which I 
keep around because its actually got a decent docking station) and run a parallel port 
ghost session ... this will be a long night ... now where did I put that ghost boot 


Stuff that, make a new boot disk and get a new copy of ghost off my archives. This 
isn't a good start ... boot the libby, start ghost master, boot the Tecra into Win95, 
start ghost as slave, ghost partition, so far so good ... I'll go watch 'The Great 
Escape' whilst I wait (ya its that really old movie but its the best thing showing on 
free-to-air at the moment and I don't watch TV enough to get cable).


OK commercial break ... and WHAT THE HECK? I don't recall putting the libby into 
automatic standby ... *sigh* turn the libby back on and let it resume ... oh thats 
nice, Norton Ghost actually knows how to resume the ghost session through the parallel 
port even when one computer goes into standby! OK thats one good thing I guess ...


Right ... second commercial break and what happens? The Tecra decides to go to sleep 
and kill the ghost session ... *sigh* OK reboot BOTH computers but this time both run 
in pure DOS mode. Restart the ghost session and check back at the next commercial 
break ....


Aha! I know why the thing suspended last time ... I come to the libby and its flashing 
dual orange indicators (the MANUAL recons its a power problem but I know from past 
experience that this is a thermal shutdown). OK sit the libby on its end (PCMCIA slot 
up), floppy drive on top as a roof, box fan sitting on my chair cooling the thing 
down, resume and oh goody, Ghost knows how to resume again. Lets see ...


Ah ... still going ... 


Yay! Finished ghosting. OK now shut it all down (which is harder than you think ... in 
pure DOS just hitting the power button actually hibernates the libby which you DON'T 
want as when I put the big hard drive back in, it won't bother reading the EZ-Bios 
stuff). Gotta pull the power and the battery pack ... OK now put the new hard drive 
back in and fire the whole lot up ... whee! IT works! OK make sure EZ-Bios boots, 
right now boot off the floppy ....  yes thats the way ... OK start the libby as ghost 
master and Tecra as ghost slave, stand the whole lot on end, turn on the box fan and 
lets go!


OK movie finished and lo and behold so has the libby! ... OK unclip all the junk thats 
hanging off the libby and lets power it up ... ooh nice, it all works! Damn it feels 
so good to go from 770 meg to 2 gig (its the first partition). And nice that FDISK 
under Win95 actually SEES the whole drive (unlike when I was using a boot disk). Now 
to make some partitions. God FDISK takes ages to check disks ...


right made another 2 gig partition for NT ... and this really annoys me, I can't 
specify a cylinder to start and end at to avoid that blasted hibernation area! ... oh 
well even 2 gig is enough for me for today, its past midnight and I'll worry about 
that hibernation thing tomorrow ... night all, more tales to come!

I'm still wondering why I wrote all this but since its already written I might as well 
send it and not have wasted it ... if you made it to the end of this you have WAY too 
much time on your hands ;-)

- Raymond


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