Linux-Hardware Digest #340, Volume #9             Tue, 2 Feb 99 23:13:26 EST

  Re: RedHat 5.2 & kde ("karlo")
  Linux apps in win2000 port news! (M Sweger)
  Re: Intel i740 AGP video card ("karlo")
  PC reset when installing (Hilaire Fernandes)
  Re: Soundcard Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI (Giles Jones)
  Re: 3COM sells crippled modems (was  3COM "support" (was: any voice capable/fax 
modem software for use in warp4?)) (Doug Bissett)
  Re: 3COM sells crippled modems (John Varela)
  Re: Same Disk RAID and Mirroring (Malcolm Weir)
  Re: Tape file marks (Phil Howard)
  Trick to setup ATI All-in-Wonder AGP (JS Root)
  sofwtare RAID-0, controller query. (Chris Parkin)
  Re: Creative Labs SB PCI128 and 3DFX Banshee drivers (Andy Wendel)
  Two cordless mice at one receiver? (KL-Services)
  Re: SurfBoard 1000 Cable Modem ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dan))
  Advice on connecting LINUX with NT servers ("S. Sachdeva")
  Re: BH6 Mainboard and "LI" boot problem ("")
  Re: Cirrus Logic GD5446 and PCI detection ("Michael")
  X11 and Banshe ("Daniele")
  HP2000C ("Pierre Laffitte")


From: "karlo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RedHat 5.2 & kde
Date: 3 Feb 1999 01:32:19 GMT

This combination is just kick ass.
I never want to go to wincrap again.
But I have to for games.

David B. Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> recently upgraded RH 5.1 to 5.2 - when I install kde -  rpm creates the
> path /opt/kde in the root partition.
> i didn't allow room for this
> is there a way to point rpm to the /usr partition??
> early on i had no problems with rh 5.1, kde & rpm installing in the same
> configuration i now use


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M Sweger)
Subject: Linux apps in win2000 port news!
Date: 2 Feb 1999 15:58:39 GMT

Hi all,

Just saw on the biz wire that a company has
developed a 64 bit application that runs a a unix/linux emulator within
the MSoft Win2000 (NT5.0) platform environment. They want alot of
Linux apps ported to their API interface so that Unix runs within Windows.
Seems kind of ironic since Linux is trying to run Windows apps in Unix;
but we don't have the source code to their stuff, but they have ours.
Hmmm! seems like there isn't any competition again. Msoft is supporting them

They have a limited list of things they want ported such as gcc (all compilers and 
assemblers) and emacs and Tex to name a few. You have 2.5 months to do it
by -- they end of January 1999. Anything else is nice but they won't pay for.
Those they'd like you to port will only pay a maximum of $1000 to a cheap
payment of $500. They didn't mention [conveniently] that they would like the
linux kernel or Sunos x86 kernel etc to run within the interix Win2000.
The reason it was supposed to be done by the end of January 1999 (now past)
is due to todays press release about this product.

Hmmm! if you can't get the Unix software vendors to port their stuf from Unix
to Window Nt, then make the Unix apps run within NT! In this way you can
say that your OS is a engineering workstation.



From: "karlo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Intel i740 AGP video card
Date: 3 Feb 1999 01:35:20 GMT

I hate the red hat site it's crap and suck big time.

This is where I got it, works just great and fast.  things will slow down a
bit at 24bpp and 32 bpp. 


michel simoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> Hi,
> Anybody knows where to get the Intel i740 video card Linux driver and/or
> which video card models already have a driver for Linux ?
> Thanks.


From: Hilaire Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PC reset when installing
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 09:26:46 +0100

Every time I try to install linux the PC rest after loading the kernel
(i thing this is after the PCI probing)
The main board is AL-B583 with Intel 40TX chips
The CPU is a K6 200Mhz

I try to disable the UlttraDMA with success.
In the past I installed linux on a K6 PC with this problem.
I try with RedHat 4.2 5.1 5.2, the problem is the same


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Giles Jones)
Subject: Re: Soundcard Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 01:35:56 GMT

On Tue, 02 Feb 1999 15:42:25 -0600, Eric Sandeen

>This card uses the Ensoniq 1371 chipset... it *is* supported in kernel
>2.2, I'm not sure if was supported in the 2.0 series - I don't think it
>Works fine with the 2.2 kernel. Check the chipset first (could be 1370)
I found out by looking at the inf file on the Creative labs cd which
came with the sc


From: doug.bissett"at" (Doug Bissett)
Subject: Re: 3COM sells crippled modems (was  3COM "support" (was: any voice 
capable/fax modem software for use in warp4?))
Date: 2 Feb 1999 16:39:47 GMT

On Mon, 1 Feb 1999 06:49:59, G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> jedi wrote:
> [snip 3COM early thread]
> >         Actually, the disclaimers are getting harder and harder to find...
> I'll go one more...
> I purchased a 3COM internal v.90 two weeks ago at CompUSA. The box said
> NOTHING about Plug-and-Pray, nothing about Winmodem, it had a picture of
> the "modem" on the packaging (hey, there are jumpers!) and a model
> number.
> Bought it (model #5687, as marked on package), took it to my clients
> office to install in an NT box. What's in the box? You got it...a
> Windodem. TOTALLY different from the picture on the box. No jumpers,
> straight plug-'n-pray. The model number was different from that on the
> front of the box, too (model #0584).
> I called 3COM corporate (1-800-638-3266, then connected to customer
> service)...their reply was, as close to a direct quote as I can
> remember:
> "We don't make internal modems for legacy systems any longer. All of our
> internal products are of the Winmodem type. As to the model number,
> sorry that the model number on the box doesn't match that of the product
> in the box. Look at the small sticker label on the SIDE of the
> part of the numbers with the serial number our technicians can tell you
> the model number of the product in the box. No, sir, we will not be
> changing the packaging to correct the picture or the model number. Take
> it back to the store for a refund if you aren't satisfied."
> I'm a small fish in the pond...only have 50 machines to care for. But I
> meet a lot of other small fish and I'll tell them this true story. I'll
> never buy another 3COM modem nor recommend them to my customers.
> G
> Denver, CO

I think 3Com must be trying to dump the modem business. You quote the 
model number 5687, which is NOT a complete model number. I know that 
there is a PnP only 02568700 (with the 3Com name on it), which does 
NOT have jumpers, and WILL work with Ray Gwinn's SIO driver, IF you 
can manage to convince PnP to cooperate (can be a real challenge). 
There is also an older model 00568700 (with only the USR name on it), 
which does have jumpers, and does work MUCH better.

It also sounds like you may have got the wrong modem in the box. both 
5687 modems I have seen, have that number on the serial number 

Hope this helps...
>From the PC of Doug Bissett
doug.bissett at
The " at " must be changed to "@"


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Varela)
Subject: Re: 3COM sells crippled modems
Date: 3 Feb 1999 01:48:34 GMT

On Tue, 2 Feb 1999 23:21:18, "¨g¤H" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 02/02/99 
>    at 06:31 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Varela) said:
> >But if I were doing it again I'd get an external, perch it on top of the
> >UPS,  and just find someplace else to stack the CDs.
> Stack the CD on top of the modem... easy... :)

Damn!  Why didn't I think of that?

    John Varela
    (delete . between mind and spring to e-mail me)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Malcolm Weir)
Crossposted-To: comp.arch,,alt.os.linux,comp.periphs
Subject: Re: Same Disk RAID and Mirroring
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 00:26:20 GMT

On Mon, 01 Feb 1999 12:12:48 -0600, Andy Glew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> caused to
appear as if it was written:

>I believe that your calculations are incorrect (or based on a bad assumption).
>Or, rather, they are correct, but don't state the relative cost:
>1X (i.e. little or no relative cost) on read performance,
>4X to write individual blocks,
>3X to write 2 blocks (2.5X if you optimize by writing the 2 new, reading the other 2 
>old, and parity write),
>2.6X to write 3 blocks (1.6X if optimized),
>1.2X to write 4 blocks, an entire RAID group,

As noted elsewhere, your calculations are based on the idea that you could
parallelize the operations.  You can't do that with a single disk!

>RAID is based on haviing EDC (error detecting codes) per disk block,
>so you don't need to read the parity block except when the EDC indicates an

True enough.

>If each part of the RAID group is an individual disk block, then
>a RAID group represents 4 ordinary disk blocks. Conversely,
>each individual disk block of a RAID group can be read individually.
>Time to randomly read an individual disk block in single disk
>RAID = 1 disk read = time to read an ordinary disk block.
>Single disk RAID read slowdown = 1X = no slower than an ordinary read.

You are making the assumption that there is some magic to having 4 blocks in
a RAID group.  There isn't.

>The locality issues are a concern, of course, but I see no reason
>why track locality for reading is not identical to existing devices.
>I.e. the disk blocks of a file could be at exactly the same locations,
>all in the same track or cylinder.

Well, except that there are 20% fewer blocks in any given cylinder...

>Writes are more difficult.  To write a random block requires a read
>and a write of the data block, and a read and a write of the parity block.
>That's bad.  But then again, 99% of my disk is effectively never modified
>- OS, software installation, etc.  This is why I mentioned the possibility
>of using ordinary writes initially, and then converting to RAID parity

This is OK.

>Note, however, that writing an entire RAID group is only 20% worse than
>writing 4 ordinary disk blocks, IF it is allowable to put a RAID group in the
>same track.  If it is necessary to put the RAID data and parity blocks in different
>tracks, then there will seldom be an advantage to such aggregate writes,
>so the 4X impact for writes on an individual RAID block will stand.

As noted elsewhere, the impact is NOT 4X for an individual block, because
the reading of the old data and parity REQUIRE a rotation of the disk before
you can rewrite them.  Best case is a rotation + 2X an individual block's



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Howard)
Subject: Re: Tape file marks
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 17:17:32 GMT

On Tue, 02 Feb 1999 02:10:07 -0800 Ken ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

| I do two consecutive dumps to dump my root and /usr partitions, using
| the non-rewinding device. I follow this with a rewind and two
| consecutive verifies (ie. "restore Cf /dev/nst0". The second verify
| fails with error "tape read error: Success". If I do a 3rd verify, it
| finds the dump for /usr and completes the verify. What's going wrong?
| What do I need to do to get the second restore/verify to start in the
| right place? I tried "mt fsf" thinking I needed to skip over the EOF of
| the first dump, but that nets the same error when I issue the
| restore/verify.

I've seen some quirks in the tape driver or some tape drives in and
around EOF marks.  I'm not sure which quirk you are hitting without
doing some more extensive testing.  These quirks are the result of
a long drawn out dark history of strange and exotic interpretations
of how tape drives should behave and how some drivers have made tape
drives appear to behave.  Then when things get fixed, something else
has to be intentionally broken so that compatibility is restored.

Try doing:

mt bsr 2
mt fsf 1

Then see if that lands you in the correct position.  I don't know if
it will or not since it don't know which quirk is involved, but it is
the next thing I would try in order to diagnose the behaviour.

 --    *-----------------------------*      Phil Howard KA9WGN       *    --
  --   | Inturnet, Inc.              | Director of Internet Services |   --
   --  | Business Internet Solutions |       eng at        |  --
    -- *-----------------------------*      philh at       * --


Subject: Trick to setup ATI All-in-Wonder AGP
Date: 3 Feb 1999 02:38:36 GMT

Finally I was able to setup mach64 to run ATI All-in-Wonder AGP.
so that xf86 probing routine is able to read in the AGP board infomation. And
then comment out a break statement in mach64 probing function.  
For PCs which don't have an on-board video card, it may not need such troubles.
But since I have a HP Pavilion 8360 which has a ATI 264 VT4, this is the only
way to make ATI AIW AGP board works. It has nothing to do with configuration
file.  May be I am one of few Linux users who can modify source code to make
it works.

JS Root


From: Chris Parkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: sofwtare RAID-0, controller query.
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 23:24:32 +0000

Hi all.

I recently set up a raid-0 device on a couple of spare partitions, one
partition on a 8.5Mb/sec drive, the other on a 10.5Mb/sec drive (measure
beforehand usind hdparm) Having recently purchaced a quantum fireball

the thing is, when i do an hdparm speed check on the md device, i get
about 9.5Mb/sec.

The two hard disks are on the same controller, under hda and hdb. With a
cdrom on the second controller as hdd.

am i only likely to see an improved performance with the two hard-disks
on seperate controllers?

ie put the new quantum as hda, and the old hard-disk (fujitsu i think)
on the second controller as hdc, leaving cdrom as hdd.

the two channels per controller is not limited by the speed of the
slower disk, so the manual says.
er, motherboard is a siemens-nixdorf D990.

any help would be apreciated, thanks.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andy Wendel)
Subject: Re: Creative Labs SB PCI128 and 3DFX Banshee drivers
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 03:07:10 GMT

On Sun, 31 Jan 1999 23:10:54 -0500, "Warren Postma"

>It's been an utterly frustrating day in Linux land for me.
>I am currently thinking that I am stuck using Windoze until I see a stable
>release of RedHat or  SuSE or OpenLinux that will support all my hardware. I
>wish I was a better Linux programmer and I'd just dig in and write some darn
>hardware drivers myself.  I'm a bit  overwhelmed by all the different sound
>systems for linux, and the fact that the community isn't uniting behind a
>single sound system for Linux that will be packaged with all the
>distributions, and the slowness with which ideas such as VESA frame
>buffering are being adopted into XFree86.  How ever will Linux keep up with
>the flood of new hardware if we don't at least unify our attack at these two
>key parts of system hardware?  Must I purchase a sound system for Linux to
>get SB PCI 128 support?  Yuck.
>Today I upgraded my system. I had an aging Soundblaster 2x CD-ROM (circa
>1994) and it's companion, a
>16 bit ISA soundblaster 16 sound card (also circa 1994 ), and  an aging ATI
>mach64 2mb (circa 1995).
>I put in a nice new ACER 32x IDE cd-rom (much quieter than your average 24X+
>noisy cd-roms), a nice
>new Creative Labs Sound Blaster PCI 128 sound card, and a Creative Labs 3DFX
>Banshee PCI video card.
>Goodbye to the wacky Soundblaster CD Rom interface, and the awful FM
>synthesis of the SB 16, and the color depth limits of 2 MB of video memory.
>Hello fast IDE CD-ROM, Quadraphonic Sound, and Wavetable Synthesis, much
>faster video and a uniform 32 bit Color Depth, and Need For Speed III and
>Quake II play really nice now.
>All went well in Windows , but now Linux is just about inoperable.  Not only
>can I not get XWindows or sound working, but I couldn't get the CD-ROM to
>work, and I messed up my system trying, so I had to re-install Linux.  In
>doing so I also broke my ethernet setup and can't get it working again.  No
>details right now, I'm too frustrated.   It turns out that neither my new
>video card nor my sound card are supported by Red Hat 5.1 out of the box,
>and it appears they aren't supported in Red Hat 5.2 either.
>I did a cursory check for support information on both cards before I bought
>them, but apparently not enough to notice that
>neither one is supported by any out-of-the-box distribution.   It seems that
>some people have got their hardware working by
>installing This That And The Other Hack and it looks like I could try to go
>and do likewise, but that's not the way I like to
>run my system.  I'm a little sad that I have bought too far up the
>technology curve and I'm apparently beyond help until our friendly
>enterprising Driver Gurus have time to catch up with this new hardware.
>This whole thing is certainly discouraging me. I guess I should do a little
>more hardware research before I go and upgrade my computer.  I didn't buy an
>ATI card this time around because they have been so bloody obstinate in
>refusing to release specs on their TV tuner hardware, and I chose not to
>support them.I saw lots of positive messages that 3DFX could work in Linux,
>so I went ahead and bought a 3DFX card without checking if XFree86 actually
>has a stable 3DFX driver yet. Oops.  But then, this is how I learn: I screw
>up wildly on my first attempt, and then hopefully I am a little wiser next
>Warren Postma
the PCI 128 works just fine with RH5.2, and with slackware as well...
I use the Blaster Exxtreme board for video, which uses the permedia-2
chip (I believe that is the same chip on the banshee)... it is
supported on xfree If you need more details, email me

do windows?
Not with your equipment, buddy!
(This machine answers spam with mail-bombs)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (KL-Services)
Subject: Two cordless mice at one receiver?
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 19:38:19 -1200

Three years ago I purchased a Logitech Mouseman Cordless, which Ii´m
still extremely fond of. Recently I got a wheelmouse into my hands and
found it convienient for special applications (i.e. Netscape, ...). So I
wonder, as there is also a cordless wheelmouse by Logitech, whether I
could use both mice simultariously (my beloved Mouseman for "normal"
applications; switching to wheelmouse for browser, ...). Furthermore I´m
not sure whether the wheelmouse functions are supported by Linux.

Any comments would be appreciated (please do not send Emails, as this is
not my stationary adress)!

Best regards,



From: danno(nospam_noway) (Dan)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: SurfBoard 1000 Cable Modem
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 03:16:11 GMT


try:    tar xvf sb1000-1_1_2.tar

The filename must be on the argument line.


On Tue, 2 Feb 1999 18:00:26 -0500, "Jim Orfanakos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I have a Surfboard 1000 Cable modem.  This is a hybrid system where I use my
>modem for the uplink and the cable modem for the downlink.
>1)  Has anyone got this working in Linux?
>2)  I downloaded from my ISP's web site the Linux drivers.  The file
>"sb1000-1_1_2.tar.gz" will uncompress with gzunzip...but I cannot un-tar the
>file.  When I "tar -xvt" or any one of those options...the tar process


From: "S. Sachdeva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Advice on connecting LINUX with NT servers
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 22:12:18 -0500


I would like to use my LINUX pc to connect to NT servers
at my office.

Need advice on what is to be done.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: BH6 Mainboard and "LI" boot problem
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 17:34:07 +0000

        "LI" means that lilo doesn't understand your drive geometry.  With big
drives > 512MB you should make sure the drive is used in LBA mode (set
in bios usually) and put the line 
in your /etc/lilo.conf

this fixed the same problem on my machine.
                good luck-

> Hello All,
> I am trying to migrated my working Linux system from a FIC-2007 to a BH6
> motherboard with a Celeron processor.
> I can't get it to boot into Linux as it did before.
> I got a new 8Gig dirve and did a new install
> of Linux. Everything worked OK until I went to boot.
> It reports "No active partition on HDD" .I then installed DOS-5.0 on the same
> drive and it booted DOS OK.
> Reinstalled Redhat 5.1. on drive.At bootup it stops at "LI".
> Booted into Linux using tomsrtbt ok. Can mount the hard drive OK
> and everything is there. run lilo to reinstall the boot record.
> On bootup same problem "LI".
> I've run out of ideas. Has anyone had problems with the BH6 Motherboards?
> All suggestions welcomed.
> Thanks for your time.
> Sam Kex
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: "Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cirrus Logic GD5446 and PCI detection
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1999 21:56:49 -0500

Oh, I forgot to include the readout I made when the Xserver tries to start.
Here it is.

XFree86 Version 3.2 / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6100)
Release Date: Oct 26 1996
 If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer
 than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
 problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
Operating System: Linux [ELF]
Configured drivers:
  SVGA: server for SVGA graphics adaptors (Patchlevel 0):
      NV1, STG2000, et4000, et4000w32, et4000w32i, et4000w32p, et4000w32p,
      et6000, et3000, pvga1, wd90c00, wd90c10, wd90c30, wd90c24, wd90c31,
      wd90c33, gvga, ati, sis86c201, sis86c202, sis86c205, tvga8200lx,
      tvga8800cs, tvga8900b, tvga8900c, tvga8900cl, tvga8900d, tvga9000,
      tvga9000i, tvga9100b, tvga9200cxr, tgui9320lcd, tgui9400cxi, tgui9420,
      tgui9420dgi, tgui9430dgi, tgui9440agi, tgui9660xgi, tgui9680,
      cyber938x, clgd5420, clgd5422, clgd5424, clgd5426, clgd5428, clgd5429,
      clgd5430, clgd5434, clgd5436, clgd5446, clgd5462, clgd5464, clgd6205,
      clgd6215, clgd6225, clgd6235, clgd7541, clgd7542, clgd7543, clgd7548,
      ncr77c22, ncr77c22e, mga2064w, oti067, oti077, oti087, oti037c,
      al2101, ali2228, ali2301, ali2302, ali2308, ali2401, cl6410, cl6412,
      cl6420, cl6440, video7, ct65520, ct65530, ct65540, ct65545, ct65546,
      ct65548, ct65550, ct65554, ark1000vl, ark1000pv, ark2000pv, ark2000mt,
      mx, realtek, AP6422, generic
(using VT number 7)

XF86Config: /etc/XF86Config
(**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
(**) XKB: keymap: "xfree86(us)" (overrides other XKB settings)
(**) Mouse: type: Microsoft, device: /dev/mouse, baudrate: 1200,
       3 button emulation (timeout: 50ms)
(**) SVGA: Graphics device ID: "sss"
(**) SVGA: Monitor ID: "eee"
(--) SVGA: Mode "800x600" needs hsync freq of 48.08 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode "1024x768" needs hsync freq of 48.36 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode "1024x768" needs hsync freq of 56.48 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode "1280x1024" needs hsync freq of 51.02 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode "1024x768" needs hsync freq of 62.50 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode "1280x1024" needs hsync freq of 64.25 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode "1280x1024" needs hsync freq of 78.86 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode "1280x1024" needs hsync freq of 81.13 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode "320x240" needs hsync freq of 39.38 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode "400x300" needs hsync freq of 48.08 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode "480x300" needs hsync freq of 39.56 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode "480x300" needs hsync freq of 48.00 kHz. Deleted.
(**) FontPath set to
(**) SVGA: Using 16 bpp.  Color weight: 565
(--) SVGA: chipset:  clgd5446
(--) SVGA: videoram: 2048k
(--) SVGA: clocks:  25.23  28.32  41.16  36.08  31.50  39.99  45.08  49.87
(--) SVGA: clocks:  64.98  72.16  75.00  80.01  85.23
(--) SVGA: Maximum allowed dot-clock: 85.500 MHz
(**) SVGA: Mode "1024x768": mode clock =  44.900, clock used =  45.075
(**) SVGA: Mode "800x600": mode clock =  40.000, clock used =  39.991
(**) SVGA: Mode "640x480": mode clock =  31.500, clock used =  31.499
(--) SVGA: Virtual resolution set to 1024x768
(--) SVGA: clgd5446: Internal memory clock register is 0x26 (Extended RAS)
(**) SVGA: clgd5446: Approximate DRAM bandwidth for drawing: 181 of 272 MB/s
(--) SVGA: clgd5446: 524288 bytes off-screen memory available
(--) SVGA: clgd5446: Using hardware cursor
(--) SVGA: clgd5446: Using accelerator functions
(--) SVGA: clgd5446: Using BitBLT engine
SVGA: Linear addressing is required for 16bpp

 *** A configured device found, but display modes could not be resolved.***

Fatal server error:
no screens found
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
giving up.
xinit:  Connection refused (errno 111):  unable to connect to X server
xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.

Michael wrote in message <795n5i$acd$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I am hoping somebody here can help me out.
>I have a linux system which uses a GD5446 2MB video card in a PCI slot.
>When the kernel boots, it does not recognize the card, though I do get
>(from reading dmesg I've found that it doesn't recognize the card as a
>device).  While in terminal mode, no sweat, but as soon as I get into
>Xwindows, there are problems.  I can only enable 256 colors, and this
>bites a bit, esp. since I am using KDE.
>I've run scanpci as root, and it tells me:  No PCI !
>Well, I do have PCI.  I've looked in the pci.h file, but don't really know
>what kind of entry to make for the GD5446 card.
>The question is, then, am I looking in the right place to fix the problem,
>and if so, can somebody help me fix it with the correct entry in pci.h?  If
>I'm walking down the wrong path, could somebody let me know that to and
>perhaps suggest a better course of action?
>As always, I appreciate any and all suggestions.


From: "Daniele" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: X11 and Banshe
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 14:53:10 +0100

Is there any way to use my 3DFX Banshee video card with X11.
I tried to find a video driver but it seems that this chipset is not
I can only use it in "VGA standard" at 640x480 x 16 colors....

I just installed the RedHat 5.2 but it didn't solve any problem.

Is there anybody who can help me?????




From: "Pierre Laffitte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HP2000C
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 04:44:36 +0100

Do you know if Linux has a driver for the printer HP2000C ?

Thank you for you answer.




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