On Sat, 29 Dec 2001, Nimrod Simba Carmi wrote:

> Excuse me?  The "shonot" is shonot from the rest of the subjects, if you're 
> unable to understand that when you look at that menu -- maybe its best that 
> you dont ..
I know that's what it's supposed to mean - that's why it has to appear
last, not first. 

> > Using this as an info source is not even kissing through a handkerchief,
> > it's kissing through a bloody wall.
> huh?

And you have the chutspa to criticize the education system?
Your reply here exhibits your ignorance. Now I know for certain what job
is worth $50 an hour - giving you private lessons in one last attempt to
fill the void of your schooling years.

Thank you for providing me with some amusement, and save your keystrokes -
I'm out of this thread.


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