On Fri, Dec 28, 2001, Nimrod Simba Carmi wrote about "Re: Care and Feeding of Stupids 
(was: Re: stupid me)":
> A while ago, I posted here a message looking for programmers to help us build 
> a content engine system for School Sucks.
> I got tens of flames about it, people were amazed how come I dared asking for 
> programmers without willing to pay more then 20$/hour. 
> Well I just wanted to say that our programmers from Lita, who worked for 14$ 
> an hour did a great job, And the engine will be up within the next couple'a 
> months.

So let me get this straight: You weren't able to find anybody good enough
from Israel to work for you freelance for 20$/hour, and you ended up needing
to find someone from Lithuania.

Maybe I'm confused, but isn't this exactly what we told you will happen?

> and I hope all these "HiTech Bubble Programmers" here who wont move themselfs 
> for less then 50$ an hour are enjoying sitting at home on their fired/about 
> to be fired ass and enjoying the view :)

It's great that you're such a positive and sympathetic person ;)

Look: In Lithuania you can live like a king with a $14/hour salary, and
there aren't many Hi-tech companies, so a programmer from there is likely
to take you up on your offer.

In Israel, on the other hand, $14/hour is an ok-good salary - equivalent to
about 11,000 shekels a month - BUT ONLY IF YOU OFFER SOMEONE A FULL-TIME
EMPLOYMENT. If you offered someone a full-time employment you would have also
had to shell out money for pension, keren histalmut, vacation days, and
all this kind of stuff. Did you do that? Probably not. Also, if you entire
job only takes, say, 2 months, the person will be out of a job again in
two months. He can't even hope to have a steady job for (say) a year.

So your job offer involved a not-high salary (relative to salaries usually
paid in Israel to highly-educated or trained people), no job security or
employment horizon, no pension plan, not even an office. Great for an
unemployed programmer who gave up on finding anything better, but not so
great for anyone else.

Nadav Har'El                        |       Friday, Dec 28 2001, 14 Tevet 5762
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
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