Uri Even-Chen wrote:
Hi people,
hey there


They referred
specifically to Red Hat.  Since I know what is Free Software and GPL, I
found it hard to believe.  Is it true?  And if not, what makes them
think that it's true?

maybe it's the fact that RH sells licenses for their Enterprise Linux flavor of the system,
but I think that it´ s nothing else than documentation and support.
By the way, is it possible to distribute Linux together with non-free
software, and request a license for each computer?  Do non-free,
commercial programs work on Linux?
of course that non-free software works on Linux, Maya is just one example. You *can* also distribute Linux with non-free software (free as in freedom), Debian does a great job putting it in a separate part of the system, called "non-free" in the debian package system. (just an example)

Specifically, does any Microsoft software work on Linux?  Does MS-Office
work on Linux?  Does MS Internet Explorer work on Linux?
yes, yes, and.. yes
emulated, but they run, you can also run crossover office on Linux.

(I apologize for mentioning the enemy's name on this mailing list).
pay a fine of 5$ dollars to everyone who needed to read that, or the next time put a warning in the subject :-)


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