Linux-Misc Digest #339, Volume #26               Sun, 19 Nov 00 04:13:02 EST

  Re: Can't ftp to Linux box from windows ftp client - SOLVED (Black Dragon)
  Re: using rdev to re-assign root fs (Scott)
  Re: Scrolling speed and mouse wheel? (Dr Aldo Medina)
  Hacked?  Is that the reason for my new mail problems? (mike)
  Re: Hacked?  Is that the reason for my new mail problems? (Joe Schaefer)
  Re: Error - No such pid? ("Lamar Thomas")
  Re: mail server (GEDEOND)
  Re: libXpm needed? (Markus Kossmann)
  Re: Error - No such pid? (J Sloan)
  Re: Can't ftp to Linux box from windows ftp client - SOLVED (DualIP)
  Cannot exec files on nfs server (Gregory Propf)
  Re: RedHat 7 eth0 module problems (Gregory Propf)
  Re: network slow in linux, fast in win... (Jeffrey Rose)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Black Dragon )
Subject: Re: Can't ftp to Linux box from windows ftp client - SOLVED
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 02:45:27 GMT

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 00:24:45 GMT in comp.os.linux.misc,

: In article <8v23g4$g2n$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: > I am having the same issue.  I had thought of allowing ftp-data (port
: > 20) and tried it to no avail.  I am using a Ugate 3200 Cable Sharing
: > gateway.  Same symptoms, if I ftp in, I can log in and all that, but
: as
: > soon as I type ls -la or just ls, it just sits and hangs.  BUT I can
: > ftp locally no problem at all.  I don't know what to try next.  I
: can't
: > imagine its something really arcane.
: >
: > Ryan
: > In article <8uhda8$b6m$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
: >   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: > > Ok, got no responses...But fixed it anyway.
: > > Here is the deal. Not only do you need to allow ftp through
: > > your firewall, you need to allow ftp-data
: > > This is on the linux side in firewall scrip..
: > > Funny that ws-ftp worked either way and dos or browser ftp
: > > didn't work without ftp-data available. Also quote pasv did not
: > > make a difference.
: > >
: > > While I am at it, I tried wu-ftpd, ncftpd and proftpd.
: > > wu-ftpd it ok, works through inetd too.
: > > ncftpd is very flexible. Fills in things wu-ftpd is missing. Even
: > > though it is commercial, you get a free 3 user license.
: > > As for proftpd, what was looking like an excellent ftp server
: > > ended up being by far the worst. It is bug ridden, no doubt.
: > > Plenty of buffer over flows, even in latest versions. Now even
: > > if you think it is the greatest thing and say oh I don't have
: problems
: > > think again. Things are there that allow someone to shut it down
: > > just by typing a few letters in while logged in.
: > > It also looks like it has been idle since about July, maybe no one
: > > is working on it anymore??

: I'm having the same problem with RedHat 6.2 the Ugate 3000 Gateway. I
: too have opened port 21 and 21. But what I see is that the PASV tries
: to open ports 1024:65535.

You meant port 20 and 21. Yes, active ftp uses those ports. Passive ftp
uses unprivleged ports above 1024. Some ftp clients can switch modes 
using the "passive" command, some can't. (the windos one can't for sure)
Firewalling for both active and passive ftp can be tricky. If you would 
like a sample of my ipchains firewall script that allows both, email me, 
and don't forget that spam sux.

Black Dragon

Sign The Linux Driver Petition:


Subject: Re: using rdev to re-assign root fs
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 03:24:21 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
> In article <MPG.147fd84d79751754989686@news>, Scott wrote:
> >The only way I can get my rh 6.2 system to boot is by using 
> >root=/dev/hda8 at the bootloader.  When I try to use rdev to re-assign 
> >the root fs from hda7 to hda8 it doesn't work.  ANyone have any ideas on 
> >what I am doing wrong here?
> [-]
> See /etc/lilo.conf -- you can use rdev to specify the / partition,
> but you can override it via lilo.
> Cheers,
> Juergen
Please explain?

Do you mean edit the Lilo.conf?



From: Dr Aldo Medina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Scrolling speed and mouse wheel?
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 22:27:37 -0600

> I have gpm and XF86configured to accept a MS PS/2 intellimouse as
> 3-button mouse. To my taste, however, the window scrolls too quickly per
> unit turn of the wheel.
> Does anybody know of a way to adjust the rate of window scrolling per
> unit "spin" of the intellimouse wheel?
> 1) Running Kernel 2.2.16 (SuSE 7.0 Prof.)
> 2) In/etc/XF86.config, I have:
>                 Section "Pointer"
>                   Protocol              "IMPS/2"
>                   Device                "/dev/psaux"
>                   SampleRate            60
>                   BaudRate              1200
>                   ZAxisMapping          4    5
>                   Buttons               3
>                 EndSection
> The Mouse I have is a Microsoft Intellimouse 1.1A PS/2 Compatible. (Two
> buttons and a wheel that both spins and compresses.
> Thanks,
> Ken
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

I believe you should set this in .Xresources in a per-application basis.
Why don't you take a look to for some

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Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Hacked?  Is that the reason for my new mail problems?
From: mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 04:26:29 GMT

I could be wrong but it looks like some asshole has been messing around on
my machine (or trying to) when I go online (from /var/log/secure):

Oct 21 14:02:47 analog in.telnetd[726]: connect from
Oct 21 14:02:48 analog in.fingerd[728]: connect from
Oct 21 14:02:53 analog ipop3d[730]: connect from
Oct 21 14:02:53 analog ipop3d[730]: error: cannot execute /usr/sbin/ipop3d: No such 
file or directory
Oct 21 14:02:56 analog imapd[732]: connect from
Oct 21 14:02:56 analog imapd[732]: error: cannot execute /usr/sbin/imapd: No such file 
or directory

Oct 27 22:02:16 analog in.telnetd[651]: connect from
Oct 27 22:13:30 analog in.telnetd[681]: connect from

Nov 12 18:36:16 analog in.ftpd[863]: connect from
Nov 12 18:36:16 analog in.ftpd[863]: error: cannot execute /usr/sbin/in.ftpd: No such 
file or directory

I've telnet'd to the above IPs over the past few days (but obviously can't
get on) and always get the same machine:

Red Hat Linux release 6.2 (Zoot)
Kernel 2.2.14-5.0 on an i686

I don't know what any of this 'in.*' stuff is so maybe it's nothing.  But
my question is that for about two weeks now I've had problems sending
mail.  I haven't made any changes recently and when I try to email myself
using my year-old ISP email address the mail never goes out and I get a
message stating "unknown user."  None of my other mail goes out now either
- it just sits in /var/spool/mqueue and when I do mailq I get things like
"Deferred: Network is unreachable."  If I log onto my work machine and
send mail to the same addresses that fail at home, they go out fine.

If someone logged onto my machine when I was online could they have messed
something up so that mail won't go out?  I'm still using the same
/etc/ which has worked fine for the past year or so.  If
somebody messed something up where would I look to try and fix it?




Auntie Em: Hate you, hate Kansas; took the dog - Dorothy


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Hacked?  Is that the reason for my new mail problems?
From: Joe Schaefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 19 Nov 2000 00:04:10 -0500

mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Oct 21 14:02:47 analog in.telnetd[726]: connect from
> Oct 21 14:02:48 analog in.fingerd[728]: connect from
> Oct 21 14:02:53 analog ipop3d[730]: connect from
> Oct 21 14:02:53 analog ipop3d[730]: error: cannot execute /usr/sbin/ipop3d: No such 
>file or directory
> Oct 21 14:02:56 analog imapd[732]: connect from
> Oct 21 14:02:56 analog imapd[732]: error: cannot execute /usr/sbin/imapd: No such 
>file or directory
> Oct 27 22:02:16 analog in.telnetd[651]: connect from
> Oct 27 22:13:30 analog in.telnetd[681]: connect from

These log entries mean exactly what they say- someone connected, but 
they couldn't (or didn't try to) log in.  You should have seen the 
login info in either /var/log/secure of /var/log/messages if someone 
actually (or attempted to) logged in to your box. It is always a 
good idea to occasionally try to break in to your own box just to see 
what you log files say (and don't say- you might need to edit 

It does appear that someone on was looking over your 
box. Assuming you aren't intentionally offering services for other 
folks to use, this is rather nosy and obnoxious behavior, and I'd be 
pretty pissed myself. But I don't recommend you compound the error by
poking back. IMHO it's a harmless manual probe in this case, and simple 
curiosity is enough to explain your logfiles.  If the behavior is 
consistant and repetitive, then it's time to contact the appropriate 
ISP. Unless that't the case, I'd just ignore it.

Also it appears that you removed your pop3/imap mailbox server, and 
you removed your wu-ftp server.  However, you might want to comment 
them out of your /etc/inetd.conf as well, so inetd doesn't listen on 
these ports. Then type

% killall -HUP inetd

to restart inetd.

More serious is your telnet server in.telnetd.  You should find 
a secure telnet server or comment it out of /etc/inetd.conf too. 
Search dejanews in this newsgroup for lots of good options 
(SSH, SRP, Kermit, Kerberos, etc.). Fortunately the developers
of these packages occasionally post here!

> If someone logged onto my machine when I was online could they have messed
> something up so that mail won't go out?  I'm still using the same
> /etc/ which has worked fine for the past year or so.

I think the cause of your mail server troubles is something benign
(misconfiguration would be my guess). If you can't figure it out, 
you should take a look at the FAQ or post to the 
sendmail newsgroup. It is time to upgrade your sendmail, anyway!

Joe Schaefer


From: "Lamar Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Error - No such pid?
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 05:53:00 GMT

Thanks Mike,

Tell me what you think.  When I installed RH Linux 6.2 using the GUI I
forgot to add an IP address and had it set to DHCP.  However, there is not
DHCP server on my network and my NIC would start up in an inactive state and
I would not have any Web access.  After I got Linux up and running I entered
a static IP address and actived my NIC and all was fine.  That is until I
went to shutdown my system and that's when I got the below error msg. about
"No such pid".  When I rebooted I had the very same problem!

If I understand what you are saying, I had one set of pid's when my system
started up and I got another set of pid's when I actived my NIC.

All is working fine now because I re-installed Linux and set the IP address
during the installation.  However, I do want to understand just what
happened.  Thanks for any help.


"Mike Dowling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Wed, 15 Nov 2000 06:12:05 GMT, Lamar Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I am running RH 6.2.  I am connected to the Internet with a cable modem.
> >When I shutdown my system tonight using the following command:
(shutdown -h
> >now) every service failed with a msg. like:
> >
> >"[FAILED]"
> >"...Kill: (549) - No such pid"
> When redhat boots your system, it starts various daemons, and stores the
> pid of these processes, it I remember rightly (I don't use redhat) in
> /var/lock/subsys.  On shutting down, it kills these processes one by
> one.
> I can happen, for example, by doing something like
> # kill -1 <pid for sendmail>
> that sendmail restarts, and gets a new pid that sysvinit does not know
> about.  During the shutdown procedure, it tries to kill the old pid, but
> cannot.
> Cheers,
> Mike
> --
> My email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] above is a valid email
> address.  It is a mail alias.  Once spammed, the alias is deleted, and
> the integer 'N' incremented.  Currently, mike[35,36] are valid.  If
> email to mikeN bounces, try mikeN+1.


Date: 19 Nov 2000 06:12:10 GMT
Subject: Re: mail server

You may want to check out product called sendmail.
Depending on what you need to do, it is fairly difficult to install correctly.
They do have a commercial version.
Also see comp.sendmail ( or something like that).
Good luck - dave


From: Markus Kossmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: libXpm needed?
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 19:18:35 +0100

Flej Ling wrote:
> I am preparing PHP4 to be used with my Apache webserver, but I get the
> following message while running "./configure" from within the PHP source
> directory where I untarred it:
> Checking for libXpm (needed by gd1.8+) ... no
> Yet when I do a "locate libXpm" I get the following:
> /usr/X11R6/lib/
> /usr/X11R6/lib/
> /usr/i486-linux-libc5/lib/
> /usr/i486-linux-libc5/lib/
> Does this mean that I have libXpm installed but PHP can't find it? D

Did you install the development stuff for libXpm ?
Configure searches for ( without any version numbers).  This
is usually a symlink to<version> but only installed by the
development package. Since XFree-4.0 libXpm comes as part of the XFree
package and you have to install the XFree development package. If you
run a older version of XFree there should exist extra packages for
libXpm (runtime and development) . 
Markus Kossmann                                    


Subject: Re: Error - No such pid?
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 06:59:29 GMT

Lamar Thomas wrote:

> All is working fine now because I re-installed Linux and set the IP address
> during the installation.  However, I do want to understand just what
> happened.  Thanks for any help.

Yikes, you reinstalled the OS just to set an IP address?

Too much windows thinking there, changing the
address is a 90 second job.

You could have done any one of the following:

1.  Edit /etc/sysconfig/network & /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0,
     then restart networking

2. Run control-panel and edit the network config

3. Run linuxconf and edit the network card config.



Subject: Re: Can't ftp to Linux box from windows ftp client - SOLVED
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 08:23:47 GMT

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 00:24:45 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>I'm having the same problem with RedHat 6.2 the Ugate 3000 Gateway. I
>too have opened port 21 and 21. But what I see is that the PASV tries
>to open ports 1024:65535.

Each IP packet contains both source & destination IP address as well
as both source and destination port number.
FTP uses port 21 &20 on the server , any port >1023 on the client.



From: Gregory Propf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.protocols.nfs
Subject: Cannot exec files on nfs server
Date: 18 Nov 2000 13:28:37 -0500

I set up an nfs server (Redhat 7.0) and a client (Redhat 6.2).  I can
view files on the server from the client.  Indeed everything seems to be
working fine.  But if I try to execute a program on the nfs mounted tree
the command hangs and never executes.  Also I cannot interrupt it.  The
only way out is to stop the nfs server on the server.  This is all using
the standard nfs stuff that comes with RedHat.  And yes, the file on the
server IS executable.  I haven't made that misktake.  It runs just fine
if you are logged into the server machine.  Please CC my email with any
response.  Thanks. - Greg


From: Gregory Propf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: RedHat 7 eth0 module problems
Date: 18 Nov 2000 15:12:28 -0500

> That doesn't seem to be the problem - the links all point in the right
> direction.  I've somehow managed to get rid of the above problem though.  I
> still can't get the eth connection though.  On boot-up I get "Bringing up
> eth0 initialization.  Delaying eth0 initialization"??
> I'm not quite sure what's going on.
> Doug

Sounds like the nic driver isn't loading.  I've had this problem myself
on fresh installs.  Do an lsmod to see if the driver is loaded.  If, as
I suspect, it isn't, try to load the driver by hand by issuing the
modprobe command for your driver.  Then add something like

alias eth0 your_driver_here

followed, if this doesn't do it, by

options eth0 autodetect=1

to your /etc/modules.conf file.  This was the exact fix to get my
eepro10+ card working on RH7.0. If you had to issue param arguments to
modprobe to get the driver loaded you will need an additional options
line in /etc/modules.conf to specify them to the kernel.  See the
manpage for this file to see how to do that.  HTH - Greg


From: Jeffrey Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: network slow in linux, fast in win...
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 09:59:29 +0100

> I got the same strange slow Linux behaviour, and I did a couple of
> measurements, using FTP on 3 differents machine on a small LAN: one
> R6000/AIX box, one laptop/WinNt, one standard Linux desktop.
> By exchanging several times the same file, I got the following figures
> (number of Kbytes/seconds) :
> Client=Linux, Server=NT :  get at 760, put at 16
> Client=Linux, Server=AIX:  get at 4, put at 1100
> Client=AIX, Server=Linux: get at 100, put at 4
> Client=AIX, Server=NT : get at 1000, put at 1000
> Client=NT, Server=AIX : get at 1000, put at 1000
> Client=NT, Server=Linux : get at 15, put at 600
> I repeated the test several times for each combination.
> All MTU's are 1500 (except maybe NT, don't know where it is hidden).
> No error nor collision reported by 'netstat -in'.
> NIC's are: Xircom for the LapTop, embedded on motherboard for AIX,
> 3C509 ISA for Linux, both of them 10 Mbits;
> All connections 10baseT, same HUB.
> Has anybody  an explanation (even poor ...) for that strange behaviour?

I also have a problem with *lagging* on a Linux RH 7.0/Client --->
10baseT LAN ---> Win98SE/Server ---> Internet Cloud

Another box: Win98SE/Client ---> 10baseT LAN ---> Win98SE?server --->
Internet Cloud has flawless, fast connection & other net/internet





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