Linux-Misc Digest #989, Volume #27               Thu, 31 May 01 00:13:02 EDT

  Re: How do I burn a bootable Linux CD? (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Using TAR (Yvan Loranger)
  Re: list of daemons. (busware)
  How can I send a page to a mobilecomm pager from a korn shell script? ("Fredrick 
  printtool ("Liverpool_fc")
  Re: printtool (busware)
  How can I send a page to a mobilecomm pager from a korn shell script?? ("Fredrick 
  Re: Please help me get WIN98 back!! (Edward Ned Harvey)
  Re: OT? Is OS-X THE userfriendly Unix? (Andrew Purugganan)
  Re: Please help me get my WIN98 back! (Edward Ned Harvey)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: How do I burn a bootable Linux CD?
Date: 31 May 2001 02:44:08 GMT

On Wed, 30 May 2001 18:30:08 -0000, Tony staggered into the Black Sun
and said:
>I recently bought RedHat Linux 7.1 and I want to make a copy so that my
>friend can play with it. But everytime I try to copy the CDs using Easy
>Creator or Nero, it failed.
>First, I can copy the whole CD on my hard disk nut how can I make it
>into a bootable CD?
>Second, Is there any CD burning software that can do a raw copy of the

To make a sector-by-sector copy of a CD:
   dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/tmp/temp.iso bs=32k
   cdrecord dev=DEVICE speed=SPEED /tmp/temp.iso
...modify DEVICE to point to your CD-RW, and SPEED to the speed your
CD-RW burns at, of course.  This is the simplest way there is.

To make a bootable CD from a collection of files, you need a bootable
floppy disk image.  You pass the name of that image to mkisofs after the
-b option, and you use the -c option as well.  Check the man page for
details, or do as the other poster suggested and look on
for various CD-writing tools.

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt     /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
=============================/    I hit a seg fault....


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yvan Loranger)
Subject: Re: Using TAR
Date: 31 May 2001 02:43:47 GMT
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yvan Loranger)

"Herb Stein" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes:
> "David Douthitt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> How about this?
>> ls -1d * | grep -v gallery | xargs tar czvf mytar.tar.gz
> Tar can do this by itself. Use:
> tar cxvf mytar.tar.gz . --exclude gallery

tar czvf mytar.tar.gz . --exclude gallery
small typo

Merci........Yvan          Pour le plein air: Club Vertige


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (busware)
Subject: Re: list of daemons.
Date: 30 May 2001 19:54:30 -0700

thank you.


From: "Fredrick Gethers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How can I send a page to a mobilecomm pager from a korn shell script?
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 02:55:07 GMT

How can I send a page to a mobilecomm pager from a korn shell script??

I have tried calling a perl script that I found on the internet called and this works fine from my home computers, which get there
internet access via Windows 2000 Internet Connection sharing.

When I run this same scenario from my Linux machine at work, it fail
complaining that it could not open a socket.  I think this has something to
do with the firewalls in my work environment, but I don't know much about
that sort of thing.  Can someone suggest ways to do what I am attempting to

I have included the source of the perl script in case some can tell me what
to change to get pass my firewalls at work.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Simple program to connect to

# and send a page.


# Written by David Allen




# This file is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

# Please see for more details.


# REQUIRES MODULES: strict and IO::Socket



# Where PAGER_PIN is the PIN of the pager you want to send MESSAGE to.

# You don't need to put quotes around MESSAGE.


# *********NOTE************

# If this script doesn't work, make sure that is still

# wwwpage.exe at It may have

# moved, possibly to If you find

# that this script doesn't work, replace all occurances of mobilecomm's

# URL in the source code with the new URL.


# This program will send the page using

# and will store the response in LASTRESPONSE.html when the server replies.


# If you are looking at this program for examples of code to make it work,

# check out the page{} subroutine below - it is the meat of this program.


use strict;

use IO::Socket; # Socket work

my $pagerid = shift;

my $MESSAGE = join(' ', @ARGV);

die "Usage: PAGER_ID words in message\n\n" unless $pagerid;

die "Usage: PAGER_ID words in message\n\n" unless $MESSAGE;

page($pagerid, $MESSAGE);

print "Done.\n";



sub page{

my ($name, $text) = @_;

my $TRUNCATED = 0;

my $PAGE = ""; # The text sent to - appended later.

$pagerid = $name;

print STDERR "Processing pager ID...\n";

# Eliminate everything but numbers from the pager id

$pagerid =~ s/[^0-9]//g;

# Check the pager id length and so on.

if(not $pagerid || (length($pagerid) < 7))


die "Bad pager ID number. A pager id number is exactly 7 numbers.\n";


die "No message specified.\n" unless $text;

# This is the format of the message we're going to send via the TCP

# socket

# POST /cgi-bin/wwwpage.exe HTTP/1.0

# User-Agent: Myprogram/1.00

# Accept: */*

# Content-length: 35

# Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


# PIN=6807659&MSSG=stuff+and+nonsense

print STDERR "Processing text of message...\n";

# A bit of string pre-processing

chomp $text;

my $strdelim = "\r\n"; # At the end of each line.

# Compress the text a bit - eliminate redundant characters - this

# helps a lot for pages that have multiple spaces and so on.

# Some people are going to want to remove this. I just put it in because

# it eliminates generally redundant information and saves space.

$text =~s/\n/ /g; # Linefeeds are spaces

$text =~s/\r//g; # No carriage returns

$text =~s/\s+/ /g; # Multiple whitespace -> one space.

# Did they enter in too much data?



# Bad user! Bad! Bad!

$TRUNCATED = "True";

$text = substr($text, 0, 199); # 200 Character maximum


# Do all of the ugly escaping - basically replace all non-alphanumerics

# with the hex value of the character preceeded by "%"

my $encodedmessage = urlencode($text);

# The length of the request has to be TOTAL QUERY. If it's just

# the length of the string you're sending, it will truncate the

# hell out of the page. So the pager number is length($pagerid)

# of course the length of the message, and add the length of the

# parameter flags, (PIN= and ?MSSG=) and you're done.

my $pagelen = length($encodedmessage) + length("PIN=?MSSG=")+


# Build the text we send to the server

# each line ends with $strdelim

$PAGE = "POST /cgi-bin/wwwpage.exe HTTP/1.0$strdelim";

$PAGE .= "User-Agent: Pagent/5.4$strdelim";

$PAGE .= "Accept: */*$strdelim";

$PAGE .= "Content-length: $pagelen$strdelim";

$PAGE .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded$strdelim";

$PAGE .= "$strdelim";

$PAGE .= "PIN=$pagerid&MSSG=".$encodedmessage;

print STDERR "Sending message...\n";

# Now we send our data.

# Note that this is just quick and dirty, so I'm using a perl module

# to do the network dirty work for me.

my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => '',

PeerPort => 'http(80)',

Proto => 'tcp');

# Bail if the connection didn't happen.

die "Cannot create socket : $!" unless $sock;



print STDERR "Getting response and saving to LASTRESPONSE.html...\n\n";

my $document = join('', $sock->getlines());

my $y=0;

open(FOO,">LASTREPONSE.html") or $y=1;

print FOO "$document\n" unless $y;

close FOO unless $y;

if($document =~ m/process that pager ID/g)


print STDERR "Page not sent. There was an error. See ",

"LASTRESPONSE.html for what the server sent back to me.\n";


} # End if



$document =~ m/(\d{1,4}) character message out of/g;

my $bytecount = $1;

print STDERR "Page sent successfully to $pagerid. Server read ",

"a message length of $bytecount.\n";


} # End else

} # End sub page


sub urlencode{

my $text = shift;

my $input = $text;

chomp $input;

# Translate all non-letter non-number characters into their %HEX_VAL

# and return that string.

$input =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9-_\.\/])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg;

$input =~ s/%20/+/g;

return $input;

} # End sub urlencode


From: "Liverpool_fc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: printtool
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 23:01:12 -0400
Reply-To: "Liverpool_fc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

if we change settings in printtool (gui) for printers in rh6.2, they change
back to the original settings.

any suggestions.

thank you.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (busware)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: printtool
Date: 30 May 2001 20:07:25 -0700

thank you. we have rh6.2. we are using the the control panel.


From: "Fredrick Gethers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How can I send a page to a mobilecomm pager from a korn shell script??
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 03:11:20 GMT

How can I send a page to a mobilecomm pager from a korn shell script??

I have tried calling a perl script that I found on the internet called and this works fine from my home computers, which get there
internet access via Windows 2000 Internet Connection sharing.

When I run this same scenario from my Linux machine at work, it fail
complaining that it could not open a socket.  I think this has something to
do with the firewalls in my work environment, but I don't know much about
that sort of thing.  Can someone suggest ways to do what I am attempting to

I have included the source of the perl script in case some can tell me what
to change to get pass my firewalls at work.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Simple program to connect to

# and send a page.


# Written by David Allen




# This file is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

# Please see for more details.


# REQUIRES MODULES: strict and IO::Socket



# Where PAGER_PIN is the PIN of the pager you want to send MESSAGE to.

# You don't need to put quotes around MESSAGE.


# *********NOTE************

# If this script doesn't work, make sure that is still

# wwwpage.exe at It may have

# moved, possibly to If you find

# that this script doesn't work, replace all occurances of mobilecomm's

# URL in the source code with the new URL.


# This program will send the page using

# and will store the response in LASTRESPONSE.html when the server replies.


# If you are looking at this program for examples of code to make it work,

# check out the page{} subroutine below - it is the meat of this program.


use strict;

use IO::Socket; # Socket work

my $pagerid = shift;

my $MESSAGE = join(' ', @ARGV);

die "Usage: PAGER_ID words in message\n\n" unless $pagerid;

die "Usage: PAGER_ID words in message\n\n" unless $MESSAGE;

page($pagerid, $MESSAGE);

print "Done.\n";



sub page{

my ($name, $text) = @_;

my $TRUNCATED = 0;

my $PAGE = ""; # The text sent to - appended later.

$pagerid = $name;

print STDERR "Processing pager ID...\n";

# Eliminate everything but numbers from the pager id

$pagerid =~ s/[^0-9]//g;

# Check the pager id length and so on.

if(not $pagerid || (length($pagerid) < 7))


die "Bad pager ID number. A pager id number is exactly 7 numbers.\n";


die "No message specified.\n" unless $text;

# This is the format of the message we're going to send via the TCP

# socket

# POST /cgi-bin/wwwpage.exe HTTP/1.0

# User-Agent: Myprogram/1.00

# Accept: */*

# Content-length: 35

# Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


# PIN=6807659&MSSG=stuff+and+nonsense

print STDERR "Processing text of message...\n";

# A bit of string pre-processing

chomp $text;

my $strdelim = "\r\n"; # At the end of each line.

# Compress the text a bit - eliminate redundant characters - this

# helps a lot for pages that have multiple spaces and so on.

# Some people are going to want to remove this. I just put it in because

# it eliminates generally redundant information and saves space.

$text =~s/\n/ /g; # Linefeeds are spaces

$text =~s/\r//g; # No carriage returns

$text =~s/\s+/ /g; # Multiple whitespace -> one space.

# Did they enter in too much data?



# Bad user! Bad! Bad!

$TRUNCATED = "True";

$text = substr($text, 0, 199); # 200 Character maximum


# Do all of the ugly escaping - basically replace all non-alphanumerics

# with the hex value of the character preceeded by "%"

my $encodedmessage = urlencode($text);

# The length of the request has to be TOTAL QUERY. If it's just

# the length of the string you're sending, it will truncate the

# hell out of the page. So the pager number is length($pagerid)

# of course the length of the message, and add the length of the

# parameter flags, (PIN= and ?MSSG=) and you're done.

my $pagelen = length($encodedmessage) + length("PIN=?MSSG=")+


# Build the text we send to the server

# each line ends with $strdelim

$PAGE = "POST /cgi-bin/wwwpage.exe HTTP/1.0$strdelim";

$PAGE .= "User-Agent: Pagent/5.4$strdelim";

$PAGE .= "Accept: */*$strdelim";

$PAGE .= "Content-length: $pagelen$strdelim";

$PAGE .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded$strdelim";

$PAGE .= "$strdelim";

$PAGE .= "PIN=$pagerid&MSSG=".$encodedmessage;

print STDERR "Sending message...\n";

# Now we send our data.

# Note that this is just quick and dirty, so I'm using a perl module

# to do the network dirty work for me.

my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => '',

PeerPort => 'http(80)',

Proto => 'tcp');

# Bail if the connection didn't happen.

die "Cannot create socket : $!" unless $sock;



print STDERR "Getting response and saving to LASTRESPONSE.html...\n\n";

my $document = join('', $sock->getlines());

my $y=0;

open(FOO,">LASTREPONSE.html") or $y=1;

print FOO "$document\n" unless $y;

close FOO unless $y;

if($document =~ m/process that pager ID/g)


print STDERR "Page not sent. There was an error. See ",

"LASTRESPONSE.html for what the server sent back to me.\n";


} # End if



$document =~ m/(\d{1,4}) character message out of/g;

my $bytecount = $1;

print STDERR "Page sent successfully to $pagerid. Server read ",

"a message length of $bytecount.\n";


} # End else

} # End sub page


sub urlencode{

my $text = shift;

my $input = $text;

chomp $input;

# Translate all non-letter non-number characters into their %HEX_VAL

# and return that string.

$input =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9-_\.\/])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg;

$input =~ s/%20/+/g;

return $input;

} # End sub urlencode


From: Edward Ned Harvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Please help me get WIN98 back!!
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.redhat,comp.os.linux.hardware
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 03:40:57 GMT

Yep, I can see how you're unhappy about all that.

Perhaps I've overlooked it, but I'm surprised that nobody's told you how to 
fix it.  Every response I've seen so far has said something to the effect 
of "That shouldn't have happend" or "Next time, try..."

Here's how to do it:

Somewhere, somehow, you've got to get a boot disk for Win98.  Beware -- 
There are different versions of Win98, and you have to get a disk that 
matches your version.  Lots of times, you can do this by booting from your 
Win98 installation CD.  Other times, create a floppy on another computer by 
using the Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, Startup Disk.

Boot from the Win98 disk, and get to a command prompt.  Type in the command:
A:\> sys c:
If all goes well, it will say "system transfered."
Then, reboot, and if you got the right version of Win98 startup disk, 
you're golden.
If you got the wrong version, all bets are off.  Maybe it works, maybe not. 
 Maybe stable, maybe not.  You just don't know.

Special note:

fdisk /mbr doesn't make a drive bootable; it zeros the mbr.  You were on 
the right track, trying to rewrite the mbr with win98, but you just tried 
the wrong command.

gl & hf.

Somphong K wrote:

> During this Memorial weekend, I installed Redhat 7.1 (Kernel 2.4.2-2)
> on my PC at home. Win98 is on IDE drive/A and Rh7.1 completely on IDE
> drive/B. I did not realize at the time that part of linux, such as /boot
> partition, had to be on drive/A to use LILO.
> During graphic installation,I was prompted where to put LILO i.e. in MBR
> or linux drive's boot partition. Unfortunately I decided to avoid fooling
> with MBR and opted for the later.
> The lilo installation ended up with failure. Everything else went fine.
> I created boot diskette. I then realized I was no longer able to boot
> Win98. Everybody in my household jumped on me!! My wife wanted to search
> webs about her stock investment, my kid wanted to play starcraft with his
> folks, ....
> I hoped to restore MBR by executing 'fdisk /MBR' under MSDOS but I was
> surprised to learn that all my Windows rescue and MSDOS diskettes failed
> to even boot. PC tried to boot from the floppies but hang after reading/
> loading a few blocks.
> When I mounted on to /dev/hda1, I could see that all Win98 directories
> and files were still intact. I just do not know why drive/A broke when I
> tried my best < which was obviously not good enough :-( > not to disturb
> its MBR.
> I would appreciate any advice that can pull me out of this mess.
> 1) What corruptions on drive/A and how to restore it??
> 2) I configured lilo to boot either linux and win98 but the later never
>    came up - it hang just like when I booted off diskettes.  Could you
>    offer me a copy of /etc/lilo.conf to compare. My copy is at home.
> 3) I configured printer OK but not my sound card (Turtle Beach Montogo II
>    and Altec Lansing 495). sndconfig autoprobe concluded it was Altec
>    ADA305 and mentioned it is not supported by Linux yet. I tried without
>    probe but there were only 2 Turtle Beach choices and my Montego II was
>    not ont the list. I tried both and they all ended up in errors.
>    Does it mean I'm out of luck as far as sound card is concerned?
> 4) Does Linux support HP 6200C scanner?? If affirmative, how?
> 5) I have MSN connection which I usually use their 'MSN Internet Access'
>    tool to connect. Could and how I connect to MSN from Linux??
> Please asnwer to my e-mail address. Thanks for kind assistance.
> Rgds somphong


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Purugganan)
Subject: Re: OT? Is OS-X THE userfriendly Unix?
Date: 31 May 2001 03:25:27 GMT

Reiner Griess ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

[ I don't really care about if X or something else is used. Unfor-
[ tunateley there are too many window-managers based on X that
[ try to copy the Win95/NT/2k interface. Shame on the authors! 

I agree, it IS a shame. Right down to having both the "Apply" and "OK" 
buttons. "Yeah let's copy it right down to include all the icky stuff"

Granted, it fills the "need" for those households where the rest of the 
Linux user's family needs something familiar to their concept of "computers"
...but they didn't have to go all the way, y'know. My $0.02
Registered linux user no. 164098  +--+--+--+ Litestep user no. 386
Doesn't it bother you, that we have to search for intelligent life


From: Edward Ned Harvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Please help me get my WIN98 back!
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.redhat,comp.os.linus.hardware
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 03:48:46 GMT

fdisk /mbr will get rid of lilo for you, but it won't restore Win98.  fdisk 
/mbr zeros the mbr.
The correct command is
sys c:
This copies the system files, and overwrites the mbr too.

Block Iron & Supply Co - CIS wrote:

> If you have your Win98 CDROM boot from that when you get to the three
> choices choose #2 boot with cdrom support. Then type fdisk /mbr.  Also
> make sure your BIOS is set to boot from the CDROM drive first.
> "Arnulf Norkus" <0003236521380222513204#[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Somphong K schrieb:
>> > During this Memorial weekend, I installed Redhat 7.1 (Kernel 2.4.2-2)
>> > on my PC at home. Win98 is on IDE drive/A and Rh7.1 completely on IDE
>> > drive/B. I did not realize at the time that part of linux, such as
>> > /boot partition, had to be on drive/A to use LILO.
>> >
>> > During graphic installation,I was prompted where to put LILO i.e. in
>> > MBR or linux drive's boot partition. Unfortunately I decided to avoid
> fooling
>> > with MBR and opted for the later.
>> >
>> > The lilo installation ended up with failure. Everything else went fine.
>> > I created boot diskette. I then realized I was no longer able to boot
>> > Win98. Everybody in my household jumped on me!! My wife wanted to
>> > search webs about her stock investment, my kid wanted to play starcraft
>> > with
> his
>> > folks, ....
>> >
>> > I hoped to restore MBR by executing 'fdisk /MBR' under MSDOS but I was
>> > surprised to learn that all my Windows rescue and MSDOS diskettes
>> > failed to even boot. PC tried to boot from the floppies but hang after
>> > reading/ loading a few blocks.
>> >
>> > When I mounted on to /dev/hda1, I could see that all Win98 directories
>> > and files were still intact. I just do not know why drive/A broke when
>> > I tried my best < which was obviously not good enough :-( > not to
>> > disturb its MBR.
>> >
>> > I would appreciate any advice that can pull me out of this mess.
>> >
>> > 1) What corruptions on drive/A and how to restore it??
>> >
>> > 2) I configured lilo to boot either linux and win98 but the later never
>> >    came up - it hang just like when I booted off diskettes.  Could you
>> >    offer me a copy of /etc/lilo.conf to compare. My copy is at home.
>> >
>> > 3) I configured printer OK but not my sound card (Turtle Beach Montogo
> II
>> >    and Altec Lansing 495). sndconfig autoprobe concluded it was Altec
>> >    ADA305 and mentioned it is not supported by Linux yet. I tried
> without
>> >    probe but there were only 2 Turtle Beach choices and my Montego II
> was
>> >    not ont the list. I tried both and they all ended up in errors.
>> >
>> >    Does it mean I'm out of luck as far as sound card is concerned?
>> >
>> > 4) Does Linux support HP 6200C scanner?? If affirmative, how?
>> >
>> > 5) I have MSN connection which I usually use their 'MSN Internet
>> > Access'
>> >    tool to connect. Could and how I connect to MSN from Linux??
>> >
>> > Please asnwer to my e-mail address. Thanks for kind assistance.
>> >
>> > Rgds somphong
>> I had the same problems with various linuxes. Best what helped me was the
>> following.
>> First: be sure that your computer is set to boot from floppy at bios.
>> Next: boot from a bootable (rescue) disk and at the DOS-prompt set "sys
> c:",
>> after that maybe "fdisk /mbr" to make sure that mbr on boot-disk is
> correct.
>> Tip: set LILO to a disk and start linux from there.
>> Hope to have helped you
>> Ulf



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    Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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