On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, norseman wrote:

> again:  /usr/local/share/dosemu  is just more typing.
>         /usr/local/dosemu        see?

I know, but I'm trying to follow a standard, the FHS, which may be
different from the norseman standard.

> MSDOS does not do network.

it sure does. Think about multiple DOSEMUs running at the same time as
multiple DOS clients sitting on a LAN. The lredir'ed drives look to DOS
and DOS applications as network drives. Nothing more and nothing less.

> YES - 1.0.2 and do require a disk partition to be dismounted
> before they run.

that's *direct* partition access you are talking about. And yes,
for that ($_hdimage = "/dev/hda1") you need exclusive access, otherwise
the FAT will be corrupted.

The method of
linux# mount /dev/hda1 /dosc
c:\>lredir c: linux\fs/dosc
is completely different. Now c: is a network drive to DOS apps. And
locking may or may not be used by those applications. Just like Linux apps
may or may not use locking techniques.

> Xtreegold, dBASE III+ WordStar 4 and a ton of other software I run on
> MSDOS have absolutely no concept of file locking. And never did.

dBASE III+, Clipper, FoxPro, and many others have a concept of file
locking and use it more or less extensively. See int21/ah=3d, modes for AL

> Past tense used because recompiles of 1.0.2 and fail to
> function
> on new hardware. Same OS, same install - new laptop. Fail Totally.

That's the famous 2.6.1 kernel problem most likely. $_mapping="mapfile"
would solve it. DOSEMU 1.2 has a workaround (runtime check).

> Traditionally:
>       In UNIX
>               /bin /sbin and such are OS system files
>               /usr/bin /usr/sbin and such are login's files
>               /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin and such
>                       are files specific to local hardware and console use.
>                       like cdrecord (you know how - get the image onto
>                       a local drive, drop the net, make the burn and
>                       restart the net. Or have lots of coasters.)

according to FHS:

/bin : Essential user command binaries (for use by all users)
/sbin : System binaries
/usr/bin : Most user commands
/usr/sbin : Non-essential standard system binaries
(nothing to do with login --bo)
The /usr/local hierarchy is for use by the system administrator when
installing software locally.  It needs to be safe from being
overwritten when the system software is updated.  It may be used for
programs and data that are shareable amongst a group of hosts, but not
found in /usr. Locally installed software must be placed within
/usr/local rather than /usr unless it is being installed to replace
or upgrade software in /usr

       4.9.2  Requirements
       The following directories, or symbolic links to directories, must be in
       /usr/local -- Local hierarchy
       +-bin       Local binaries
       +-games     Local game binaries
       +-include   Local C header files
       +-lib       Local libraries
       +-man       Local online manuals
       +-sbin      Local system binaries
       +-share     Local architecture-independent hierarchy
       +-src       Local source code
       No other directories, except those listed below, may be in /usr/local
       after first installing a FHS-compliant system.


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