>-----Original Message-----
>From: Phill Coxon [mailto:phi...@xtra.co.nz]
>Sent: Sunday, 9 August 2009 7:23 p.m.
>If the display starts off ok and gets worse over time getting
>increasingly "blobby" it might possibly be an over-heating problem.
>If it's an older notebook check the fan vents on the side / back of the
>notebook and make sure they're not clogged up with dust.  It might be
>worth opening up the case and cleaning out any clogged up fans and dust
>bunnies etc.

Thanks Phill, unfortunately this notebook's cooling is entirely passive
and none of the vent holes in the bottom have any blockage (no fans
sucking the dust in probably helps), it feels like a lot of heat is
dissipated directly through the casing which is a magnesium alloy of
some sort.

Regards, Bryce.

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