On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 10:12 AM, Vick Khera <vi...@khera.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 11:10 AM, Zandr Milewski <za...@milewski.org>
> wrote:
> > As someone who has spent easily 100 hours troubleshooting, rebuilding,
> and
> > restoring UFS based Netgate boxes that have to function in environments
> > with less-that-datacenter grade power availability, I'll take "potential
> > corruption in corner cases" over "1 in 4 chance it won't come back from a
> > power cycle"
> >
> > *Any* journaled filesystem is an improvement.
> >
> Journaling on UFS is just one setting away. Boot single user from USB, then
> run "tunefs -j enable /dev/da0" for your boot device da0. Done. I don't
> know why FreeBSD does not recommend this for the boot volume, but I think
> as long as you never fill up the disk you're ok. I've no had issues with
> it.
> ______

That is an interesting idea. As I bought mine directly from the hardware
store, I don't install pfSense myself. I've never booted it from USB. As
this system doesn't have VGA, I may not be able to use a standard FreeBSD
image out of the box.

Are the FreeBSD 10.2 instructions (
https://www.netgate.com/docs/platforms/rcc-dff-2220/freebsd.html) still
valid for 11.1?

   - Connect the console cable (I have that setup)
   - Boot from from a memstick image plugged into the USB port
   - From the Menu select 3, Escape to the loader prompt
   - Enter the following commands
      - set comconsole_port=0x2F8
      - set comconsole_speed=38400
      - set hint.uart.0.flags=0x0
      - set hint.uart.1.flags=0x10
      - set console=comconsole
      - boot
   - Select shell or LiveCD from the FreeBSD installer menu
   - Run tunefs

Or does the 2.4 memstick installer give one an escape to shell option?


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