On 11/08/14 at 10:29am, Daniel Holbach wrote:
> Hello,
> On 01.08.2014 05:25, José Antonio Rey wrote:
> >Then, it would probably be a good idea to analyze if it's worth having
> >two global jams per cycle - one for packaging/design stuff, and other
> >one for docs/translations.
> all teams are free to jam whenever they feel like it and should
> generally be encouraged to do so.


> Having one global jam date would generally help to rally all teams
> around one date and have one big push which also might help less
> active teams to get involved and do something.

In the ubuntu-mx we've scheduled our next ugj on 20th September[0], We
tried to book for the 4th of September but good places need to taken
more than a month in advance here.

In the other hand we just try to get together and have fun, so it
doesn't affect us it it's too late for some activities.

I'm just commenting because other teams could be in the same

Bests regards,


[0] http://www.ubuntumexico.org/node/4645

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