Dankness asked    
> Is there a model of ZFC inside which ZFC does not have a model? 

Noah Schweber answered:
> Yes.

> Recall that by the Completeness Theorem, having a model and being
> consistent are the same thing. Also, by Incompleteness, ZFC doesn't
> prove its own consistency. Finally, ZFC can prove the Soundness
> Theorem - that an inconsistent theory has no models!

> So - assuming ZFC has a model - ZFC is consistent. If ZFC is
> consistent, then ZFC can't prove "ZFC is consistent." By completeness,
> this means there's a model of ZFC satisfying "ZFC is inconsistent."
> Since ZFC proves the Soundness Theorem, this model must think that ZFC
> has no model!

Algém teria a bondade de esclarecer o que significam "modelos pensantes"
e por quê o teorema de *completude* está sendo invocado para *ZFC*?

Hermógenes Oliveira

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