At 16:56 21/03/2001, you wrote:
>Mark's ideas are excellent and I would be highly interested in a course 
>like this.

Hmmm... maybe we _should_ look at public courses!

>Also to add to the list: security concerns for cgi scripts.
>And how about: a decent Perl debugger (that also happens to be free).

CGI stuff would probably be in a separate course.

You have a decent Perl debugger. It's called perl -d.

>I've yet to get a grasp on either.
>What exactly is Iterative?

A New! Exciting! Perl Consultancy that may have something to do with some 
of the regulars.

>What are we looking at in price schemes?

No idea. I'll look at what others are charging and undercut them (a bit!)



<plug>Data Munging with Perl <></plug>

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