On 4 Apr 2001, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

> Dominic Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > ObPerl: So which is harder to parse?  Perl or English?
> Time flies like an arrow
> Fruit flies like a banana
> Parse that and stay fashionable...

They're both Type 0, though one *could* argue that Perl was really type 1
and the grammar is defined by a really really big C program....

Perl is easier to parse simply because all the irregularities are known
and documented.  They're not in English.  In addition to the above
example, consider

"The British Left Waffles on Argentina"

Which requires you to know about the concepts of political persuasion,
waffling as talking at length, usage of 'on' as 'about' etc, or you end
up with some careless people leaving behind breakfast items in a far off


print "\n",map{my$a="\n"if(length$_>6);' 'x(36-length($_)/2)."$_\n$a"} (
   Name  => 'Mark Fowler',        Title => 'Technology Developer'      ,
   Firm  => 'Profero Ltd',        Web   => 'http://www.profero.com/'   ,
   Email => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',   Phone => '+44 (0) 20 7700 9960'      )

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