> We should probably fix the ClsCompliance warnings if they have not already
> been fixed 



We will have some issues with this - some are marked volatile - which basically 
have to be a non-CLS compliant type (as far as my research is finding) Anyone 
have thoughts? I went through and replaced sbyte -> Int16, and uint -> Int64, 
but I'm having an issue with this, and I don't think removing the volatile 
keyword is the right solution.


> find a place to put the generated documentation.

We have a folder /trunk/docs, shouldn't this be the place for that?


> I remember someone mentioning he/she was unable to access a class from
> VB.NET. The class had public fields & properties with the same names but
> different casing. The fields should be private.



> The link in the readme is a dead link:
> http://lucene.apache.org/lucene.net/docs/2.4.0/ The docs generated by
> sandcastle & SHFB require a server that allows aspx files to be executed.
> We should either remove the link from the readme or find the docs a new
> home and update the link.

We should generate new documentation and update the link


> I'll see if I can setup automating Lucene.Net <http://lucene.net> nuget
> package creation for trunk in the next day or so.
> - Michael
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 5:48 PM, Prescott Nasser <geobmx...@hotmail.com>wrote:
> > Hey all seems like we are set with 2.9.4? Feedback has been positive and
> > its been quiet. Do we feel ready to vote for a new release?
> >
> > -Prescott
> >
> > Sent from my Windows Phone                                    

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