Ok, I started the ball rolling and was going to let it rest, but I feel
   compelled to make a few comments (realizing that this discussion is now
   across 2 threads).

   1) Franz, please do have the courage of your convictions. You made a
   comment that was intended to be critical, even if couched in indirect
   terms ( I realize this group includes many non-native English speakers,
   but I think the most appropriate internet term is "snarky"). Either you
   don't like amateurs posting about their videos or, feeling insecure
   about criticizing them yourself, you wish others would do so on the
   group. It's OK, I'm a big boy with a thick skin. You mentioned academic
   criticism in the other thread; I think you'll find that the lute
   amateur world is populated by many people with advanced degrees and
   training in other fields that has not left them fragile to both
   constructive and harsh words. There are at least 2 other surgeons I
   know who play seriously on baroque lute (in addition to several other
   doctors and lawyers) and you know that our egos are second to none!

   2) I've posted before about my reasons for making utube videos and I'm
   not going to rehash it all again (the archives has a good search
   function). In brief, it's an excellent tool for self examination, for
   sharing my playing with friends who will likely never see me play in
   person and, as someone who gets to play in real concerts maybe once or
   twice a year, a great motivation to work on new rep. There is no doubt
   that putting lute videos out in the ether also introduces people to the
   instrument for the first time and I've had much correspondence from
   people interested in trying the lute after seeing my videos. And there
   IS the ego stroking component, I've never been ashamed to admit that.
   Also, like David with his facial expressions, I've picked up that I
   breathe too heavily, sometimes sway too much and pinch courses together
   with my left hand when I barre, none of which I would have been able to
   tell without regular lessons or the videos.

   3) Public comments posted in youtube are seldom helpful (either good or
   bad). I couldn't care less that some people are offended by the light
   bouncing off my bald head, or (sorry Franz) that they don't like me
   reading from a score having a stiff elderly demeanor (sorry, in my
   profession stiff and elderly don't often go together). Similarly, when
   people have commented how great I am and that my playing is better than
   Barto, I know it's not true. I thank them and then refer them to videos
   and recordings that really ARE great. On the other hand, I have
   received many private messages, from both amateurs and professionals,
   that had very helpful and constructive criticism. I know I have a long
   way to go on the instrument, but looking at my videos from 2 years ago,
   1 year ago and 6 months ago, I feel that I've made progress.

   4) Can watching yourself play lead to self improvement or does it just
   reinforce bad technique? Everyone's different. Watching myself, I think
   that the major things I need to work on are

   a) consistent tone production, especially controlling the difference in
   attack between gut and synthetic in the basses

   b) more horizontal playing of longer lines, with greater use of dynamic
   control and a lighter touch on the "less important" notes

   c) rapid release of tension in the right hand fingers to allow greater
   speed in the faster dance movements

   d) holding notes longer in the left hand when doing so creates
   effective harmonies and suspensions

   e) these are the general themes; each piece or style will have it's own
   deficiencies (eg. more variety in the inegale for the French baroque
   music (thanks Wilke!), a freer strum on my baroque guitar)

   5) There are many subscribers to my utube channel who presumably are
   interested when I have new videos. Consequently I haven't posted to
   this list every time there is a new one and tried to be selective (I
   post more on the baroque lute list about baroque specific issues). I
   thought my "11 course gut vs 13 course synthetic" video would be
   relevant given the multiple discussions about pros and cons of models
   and strings. I also thought that so few people have heard Conradi's
   music, that an intro might be fun.

   6) Finally, sorry you are not a fan on the ning group Stuart, but as I
   written in a few moderator posts, the whole "friend" thing is just
   about meaningless for a group such as [1]lutegroup.ning.com . It still
   has the advantages of being moderated and having the ability to upload
   and share files.


   (I'll close the door to my office and have a good cry now <g>)
   On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 12:46 AM, Franz Mechsner
   <[2]franz.mechs...@northumbria.ac.uk> wrote:

   Hi Chris,

   It's not only about the lute... The issue is really important and goes
   deep - how to be open and honest but polite or at least respectful at
   the same time. I think we protect ourselves in the first place saying
   we are so unsecure and so far away from being an expert that we cannot
   utter anything... For instance I mostly do not really dare or bother to
   tell the waiter criticism about the meal, not to speak about wine, even
   if I really did not enjoy it, because I am not an expert fearing that
   actually the meal and/or wine might be absolutely o.k. like that... one
   feels so unsecure, but of course openly tells one's neighbours and
   compalins to THEM (what does this tell us???) ... hm...  About a year
   ago I realized only in the evening that my trousers' fly had been open
   all afternoon. Many people MUST have seen it, but nobody told me. I
   sweared to myself if I would see somebody in the same situation I would
   tell him or her. I actually did so once or twice... but recently there
   was an extremely beautiful and tastefully clothed woman standing a
   little apart from me in the train, with her fly open, not so
   really wide, but visible... I did not dare to approach her and tell
   her, and said to myself why don't I pretend going to the loo and tell
   her on the way... I did not dare... of course with billions of reasons
   and excuses in my head telling me why I should NOT tell her... so I
   fear she had to realize the thing only in the evening, like my self
   once upon a time...

   But how to correct oneself and improve if NOBODY
   says ANYTHING... instead people create a not-so-comfortable social
   situation which you cannot really understand but you feel it... that's
   always the big problem with us, actively and passively. Hope that is
   not so diverting from the lute.


   Dr. Franz Mechsner
   Hanse Institute for Advanced Study
   Lehmkuhlenbusch 4
   D-27753 Delmenhorst/Bremen

   E-mail: [3]franz.mechs...@unn.ac.uk
   Phone: +49 (0)4221 9160-215
   Fax: +49 (0)4221 9160-179

   Von: [4]lute-...@cs.dartmouth.edu im Auftrag von chriswilke
   Gesendet: Mo 11.01.2010 01:31
   An: Ed Durbrow; Daniel Shoskes; LuteNet list; Franz Mechsner
   Betreff: [LUTE] Re: Conradi Sonata

   Hi Franz,
      I always try to include some positive constructive criticism when I
   comment on people's things.  This is tough to do, though.  Things must
   be worded very carefully in print or the most well-meaning advice can
   sound just mean.  Of course, there's always a good glob of personal
   preference in there as well.
   --- On Sat, 1/9/10, Franz Mechsner
   <[5]franz.mechs...@northumbria.ac.uk> wrote:
   > From: Franz Mechsner <[6]franz.mechs...@northumbria.ac.uk>
   > Subject: [LUTE] Re: Conradi Sonata
   > To: "Ed Durbrow" <[7]edurb...@sea.plala.or.jp>, "Daniel Shoskes"
   <[8]kidneykut...@gmail.com>, "LuteNet list" <[9]l...@cs.dartmouth.edu>
   > Date: Saturday, January 9, 2010, 9:44 PM
   >    A little
   > observation: as a rule, all performances are commented with
   >    exalted praize only
   > ("Welldonewonderful...") plus silence on anything
   >    which might be improved or on which one
   > might be of different opinion
   >    - in strong contrast to the discussions
   > where we can learn so much from
   >    each other...
   >    --
   > To get on or off this list see list information at
   > [10]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

   To get on or off this list see list information at



   1. http://lutegroup.ning.com/
   2. mailto:franz.mechs...@northumbria.ac.uk
   3. mailto:franz.mechs...@unn.ac.uk
   4. mailto:lute-...@cs.dartmouth.edu
   5. mailto:franz.mechs...@northumbria.ac.uk
   6. mailto:franz.mechs...@northumbria.ac.uk
   7. mailto:edurb...@sea.plala.or.jp
   8. mailto:kidneykut...@gmail.com
   9. mailto:lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
  10. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
  11. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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