On 09/18/2016 09:03 AM, Pietro Cortese wrote:
Dear Scott,

I send you an example that on my system (Centos 7) shows the problem.

newfile2.pdf is included bt newfile1.lyx and the text displays correctly
in the output but on my system does not display well in lyx.
Best regards,

I get about what Scott gets (possibly because I'm on Mint, which is derived from Ubuntu).

On my system, the conversion process for the image is PDF -> EPS -> PNG. That last step takes you from vector fonts to an image. I notice your document is displaying the image at 150% of original size, which is going to introduce some blurring.

You might try the following experiment. Close the document if it is open, go to Tools -> Preferences ... -> File Handling -> Converters, and find the EPS -> PNG entry (which is likely to be "convert $$i $$o"). Assuming your entry matches mine, uncheck the "Enabled" box for Converter File Cache (otherwise you'll just be looking at a cached copy of the image, no matter what you do), then change the converter entry to "convert -density 300 -units pixelsperinch $$i $$o" and click Modify followed by Apply. Close the dialog, reopen the document, and fix the display size of the image (it likely will have gotten bigger -- I had to go from 150% to 50%). See if that improves readability.


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