Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

>>>>>> "Angus" == Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Angus> Katrin Pietzsch wrote:
>>> LyX: Unknown tag `Acrobat' [around line 90 of file
>>> ~/.lyx/preferences] LyX: Unknown tag `Reader' [around line 90 of
>>> file ~/.lyx/preferences] LyX: Unknown tag `5.0""' [around line 91
>>> of file ~/.lyx/preferences]
>>> ... and that was it with previewing in Acrobat Reader....
> Angus> You have an entry like: \viewer "ps" "Acrobat Reader 5.0 $$i"
> Angus> and you expect it to work ????
> No, Angus, the entry is
>   \viewer "ps" "open -a "Acrobat Reader 5.0" $$i"
> and this does not work because of the double quotes. As Ronald
> already pointed out, this should be
>   \viewer "ps" "open -a 'Acrobat Reader 5.0' $$i"
> (i.e., use single quotes).

Many thanks. But importantly for us, there is no bug in LyX, right? 
Ie, Katrin should have entered 
        open -a 'Acrobat Reader 5.0' $$i
in the Preferences dialog, right?


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