On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 7:02 AM, Christopher Stowasser
> Hi,
> I have a problem with labelling equations. If I want to label an equation I
> put the cursor in the pink box surrounding the equation. Then I go to
> "insert" and to "label". The function "label" is written in grey letters
> now, i.e. inactive. If the cursor is outside the pink box the function
> "label" works, but I cannot label the equation.
> Thanks in advance!
> Christopher

I'm a little confused you may have to explain further. What do you
mean the "label" works, but I cannot label the equation? How do you
want to label it? What you have done should work. When you create a
pdf of you file the equation should be numbered for instance (1) in
article class because you entered Insert->Label.


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