Hi Fareed,
Does this new LyX package depend on the the TexLive in Ubuntu's
repositories? Ubuntu's version of TexLive was out-of-date for a long
time, so I installed TexLive 2009 directly from its net installer, to
use its latex package manager. As a result I've had to install any latex
related programs (LyX, kile, etc) from source to prevent apt from
installing its own version of TexLive.
Unfortunately, it does. I simply made a few (very minor) modifications to the existing debian package and then submitted it to the Launchpad build service. I did not change the package requirements.

However, Ubuntu updated the version of LaTeX to TeXLive 2009 in 10.04. If you're using an older version of Ubuntu, it is possible to have multiple versions of TeX installed side by side. This article explains how (even though the instructions use Ubuntu 10.04 as an example, they work with older versions as well):


If you object to that, it's also possible to create dummy packages, though that is more involved:


If you've already been installing from source, though, you may wish to continue with that. It makes updating to newer versions significantly easier, and it sounds as though you've already made the initial time investment (which is what I find killer).



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