On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 7:48 AM, Liviu Andronic <landronim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 12:01 PM, Rainer M Krug <r.m.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 24/03/11 11:29, Guenter Milde wrote:
>>> On 2011-03-23, Steve Litt wrote:
>>>> On Wednesday 23 March 2011 09:54:29 you wrote:
>>>>> As for Word/OO<-->LyX interoperability, that seems a chimera. How can
>>>>> LyX ever be interoperable with Word, when even the LaTeX/LyX roundtrip
>>>>> will not get you back the document you started from? It seems to me
>>>>> that a more reasonable goal would be to have a Word-output function
>>>>> that strips all formatting except the semantically relevant items
>>>>> (emphasis, etc) and produce a clean Word file ready to be imported
>>>>> into a typesetting program or to be sent to Word-only people.
>>>> Even better, in addition to exporting emphasis and noun, have it export the
>>>> named but empty styles (environments and character styles) used in the 
>>>> doc, so
>>>> the word doc has the styles and the text marked up with those styles. Then 
>>>> all
>>>> that remains is to go in and modify those styles in MSWord or OOffice to
>>>> produce the desired look. After all, modifying a style in Word is five
>>>> minutes, not five hours.
>>>> This is a wonderful idea. Now if we can only go the other direction...
>>> I think we should have "semantic" import/export filters in addition to
>>> "visual" ones for all relevant document formats.
>> I absolutely agree - this would make life so much easier: you can write
>> in LyX, export sematically to doc / odt and do the formating in word /
>> openoffice / libreoffice if the editor / conference only provides a
>> specific word template.
>> Definitely a priority.
> This might go down well as a GSoC project, as it seems useful and
> "simple" enough. What do others think?
> Liviu

Excellent idea, I think. Perhaps Richard can comment on  how far the
XHTML filter is from the goal? My impression, as a user, is that it
comes pretty close to what the project would be producing.


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