> On Oct 30, 2014, at 1:32 PM, Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [C] 
> <di...@niehs.nih.gov> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a new Mac Pro (cylinder style) and an old Mac Pro (tower style), both 
> running the latest Mavericks.  I would like to set up a disk on the old mac 
> pro that can be used for TimeMachine backups of the new mac pro.  How do I do 
> this?
> Both macs are connected via gigabit ethernet to the same router.  I can 
> successfully do screen sharing and file sharing.  I thought perhaps I just 
> needed to share my TimeMachine disk on the old mac (via the File Sharing 
> panel in System Preferences), but when I tried this, I could not see that 
> disk when choosing a TimeMachine disk on the new mac.  I could only see disks 
> that are directly attached to the new mac.
> Is it possible to do TimeMachine backups of one mac to a disk on another mac 
> via ethernet?  If so, what do I need to do?

Two ways.

1. Purchase the $19.99 OS X Server package and set that up on the old Mac Pro, 
which includes a feature that'll do exactly what you want.

But OS X Server is somewhat complicated and messy.

2. Open Terminal on the new Mac Pro and type this (or copy/paste):

defaults write com.apple.systempreferences TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1

Time Machine will only back up to "supported" volumes. The only way to do that 
over a network like you want is with OS X Server. But you certainly can use 
unsupported volumes as in No. 2 above. I've done that for years without 
incident, but beware, it is a little bit of a "hack."

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