On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 2:38 PM, Andy Ringsmuth <a...@andyring.com> wrote:
> 2. Open Terminal on the new Mac Pro and type this (or copy/paste):
> defaults write com.apple.systempreferences TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1
> Time Machine will only back up to "supported" volumes. The only way to do 
> that over a network like you want is with OS X Server. But you certainly can 
> use unsupported volumes as in No. 2 above. I've done that for years without 
> incident, but beware, it is a little bit of a "hack."

AFP shares are "supported" volumes (it's how they're mounted from
TimeCapsules), so there shouldn't be any need to use the defaults
write command. It would be required for other share types like SMB.

How is the "old Mac" being shared? Is it via AFP? I know Apple is
deprecating AFP, but it's still there specifically for TimeMachine so
I would think you should be able to share the "old Mac" this way.

Was the "old Mac" mounted on the "new Mac" when you tried to set up
TimeMachine? This may be required.

If you still can't get the "old Mac" to show as a TimeMachine target,
you can try manually specifying the TimeMachine target on the command

> sudo tmutil setdestination -p afp://gregg@oldMac/timeMachineShare

"-p" means you'll be prompted for the password rather than including
it in the destination address (afp://greg:password@...)

More info here:

arno  s  hautala    /-|   a...@alum.wpi.edu

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