On Mon, Sep 25, 2006 at 07:27:54PM -0400, Robert Hicks wrote:

> I know that Tiger comes with 5.8.6 but I would like to get 5.8.8 up and 
> running.
> I am just wondering if I should:
> a) download and compile Perl myself and replace the Tiger version

Don't do that.  It's possible (unlikely, I'll admit) that that will
break some of Apple's stuff, or that your nice shiny new 5.8.8 might get
downgraded by Software Update at some point.

> b) use macports (aka darwinports) to install 5.8.8 in /opt

Do that - or build your own and put it in /usr/local or similar.

David Cantrell | top google result for "topless karaoke murders"

    If I could read only one thing it would be the future, in the
    entrails of the bastard denying me access to anything else.

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