On Sep 26, 2006, at 1:09 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

On Sep 26, 2006, at 12:17 PM, Ray Zimmerman wrote:

The reason I've done it this way is because I have a set of perl scripts and web apps that require a Perl environment that is identical across several machines, including my PowerBook and a few Linux servers.

I *HIGHLY* doubt that the difference in minor point versions is going to break those scripts. It's possible, but very unlikely. Have you verified that it definitely will break them, or are you just guessing that it might?

What I would do in this situation is check to see if 5.8.6 is close enough to develop with. If a script worked on one machine but not the other, I'd dig through the 5.8.7 and 5.8.8 change logs to find anything relevant to the problem.

Then and only then, if a version mismatch (rather than a mismatch between env. variables, file locations, locale, etc...) were indeed the problem, I would consider going to the trouble of installing a newer Perl.

I've built Perl from source hundreds of times and I know the process very well - but it's still time-consuming tedium that I'd rather avoid unless it's truly necessary.

You are most likely correct ... sorry, my hijacking of this thread (I wasn't the original poster) probably made it look I felt I needed a 5.8.8, when in fact I'm actually happily using a custom built 5.8.6.

My practice of building my own perl, which began back in the days of Jaguar, grew out of the need to have my web dev environment (apache, mod_perl, php, mod_ssl, lots of CPAN modules, etc, etc) be consistent across my dev machine (OS X) and several servers (Linux). And IIRC this did come after a number of version inconsistency related problems. At the time, building my own custom versions of everything on each box seemed the best way to go.

Next time I upgrade to a new machine (where are those Core 2 Duo MacBook Pros ;-), I may not bother to build my own.

Just for the sake of curiousity, I'd be interested in knowing what Tiger's perl install includes beyond what is part of the core perl-5.8.6. Anybody have a list somewhere?

Look around in /System/Library/Perl/Extras/



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