> Another way to promote CB that I just thought of, why not get an  
> article in The Perl Review?  I know it's not a huge audience, but I  
> do know chromatic usually lists what's in the latest issue when he  
> puts out the O'Reilly Perl newsletter.
> I just thought of something else too, maybe an interview on  
> Perlcast?  I could ask Josh McAdams if he's interested in doing the  
> interview (or maybe we could arrange for someone to interview you).

Both are really good ideas. I spoke to brian d foy at Nordic Perl Workshop
at the end of April about writing an article for the Perl Review and he
seemed receptive. That is to say he welcomes articles, not that I should
write it since I don't know if I am qualified to write it.

Josh McAdams also was at the NPW and seems like a cool guy, Perlcast is 
growing in audience and this seems a perfect thing to do. 

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