On 5/6/02 11:12 PM, "J C Lawrence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sadly, less than a third of the lists I'm subscribed to have RFC 2369
> headers.  All but (counts quickly) 6 (all Yahoo Groups) have unique
> Sender: headers tho.

So? So use list-id when it exists, and filter on non-standard things when it
doesn't. List-ID is guaranteed unique and to not change. Sender -- isn't.
Yes, Sender is useful when the List-ID isn't there, but if you depend on it,
stuff like this happens.

That's why List-ID was invented and why Mailman supports it.

Chuq Von Rospach, Architech
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://www.chuqui.com/

IMHO: Jargon. Acronym for In My Humble Opinion. Used to flag as an opinion
something that is clearly from context an opinion to everyone except the
mentally dense. Opinions flagged by IMHO are actually rarely humble. IMHO.
    (source: third unabridged dictionary of chuqui-isms).

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