BTW, there was one tidbit of info we can pass on.

Don't encode the recipient's email address in the FQDN or in the path.

Keep that data as a variable.

More I cannot say.

Michael J Wise
Microsoft Corporation| Spam Analysis
"Your Spam Specimen Has Been Processed."
Got the Junk Mail Reporting 
Tool<> ?

-----Original Message-----
From: mailop <> On Behalf Of John Levine
Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2018 8:56 AM
Subject: Re: [mailop] Microsoft IPs automatically unsubscribing recipients?

In article 
 you write:

>I am against scanning everything in order to protect. Because every

>method an ESP needs to do to "fix" these bad unsubscribes can just as

>easily be spoofed by bad actors (e.g. redirect url to non-malicious

>content for first

>10 minutes). And not all ESPs are even aware of this scanning process

>(if they are even that capable*).

If you don't like the way we handle your mail, feel free not to send any.

For about the gazillionth time, receiving systems deliver mail out of the 
goodness of their hearts.  Smart ESPs understand that and make it their goal to 
avoid annoying the people they depend on to deliver their mail.




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