On Thu, 3 Sep 2020 13:07:35 +0000 (UTC), "L. Mark Stone via mailop"
<mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

>So, asking what you all would recommend we do with this IP, and how best we 
>should warm up a new IP in future to avoid finding ourselves in this same 
>situation again. 

[Just my opinion based on experienc]

An IP that hasn't originated traffic to a given provider will start off with a
neutral or perhaps negative reputation when it begins to emit traffic of any
significance.  This will be the case with Microsoft's two semi-integrated
platforms especially.  So, in general, start using it at moderate volumes,
accept the fact that things will not go ideally in the beginning, and be alert
to the feedback you get from the SMTP transaction responses.

Examine the logs in the case of outright rejections -- there will often be an
indication of reason that you can decode.

For some providers, e.g. Google, just send an adequate volume (> 200, < 1000
per IP per day) of "good" email (click/open rates decent, zero or no
complaints) and the System will adjust.  Some of the majors will sample a
small percentage of traffic, even if they appear to blocking at the edge, to
see what recipient reaction is.

Your experience is not at all unusual in the current environment.

   "There will be more spam."
      -- Paul Vixie

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