On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 10:22 AM, Ralph Dumain
<rdum...@autodidactproject.org> wrote:
> This is a commonplace analysis of Descartes & critique of the whole
> epistemological tradition that came out of this. However, the disavowal
> of scientific realism is childish. Speaking of childish, It's worth
> contemplating the symbiosis between Rosa's juvenile Wittgensteinianism
> and sectarianism. He differs from Henry Ford in declaring that, not
> history, but all philosophy, is bunk. And if this doesn't show you that
> the British far left--if that's what he is--is not at the end of its
> rope, what does?
> Now I'm reminded that I need to take a look at Plekhanov & see if he's
> as bad as I'm told he is.

CB: Well, Plekhanov opposed the 1917 October insurrection. That's
pretty stupid sectarian.

> On 12/30/2010 10:10 AM, c b wrote:
>> That project was exemplified in Descartes' Meditations, and it laid
>> two demands on any account of knowledge and the means to knowledge,
>> demands that set the standard and defined the adequacy of any account.
>> There had been urgent reasons for making those demands but the reasons
>> were historical rather than philosophical and came from the
>> individualistic model of humanity that played such a pivotal role in
>> the era's project of eliminating feudalism's remnants in thought and
>> social institutions, and the project of justifying the conceptions and
>> arrangements that were replacing them. That story needs to be
>> elaborated, and will get some elaboration in the next chapter. What is
>> important here is that those demands have been accepted since without
>> serious critique or examination of alternatives.
>> The first of the demands, describable as a "democratic" or
>> "individualistic' one, was that a method be found that was available
>> to each separated individual to apply privately and severally in the
>> search for knowledge. The second, relating to the knowledge thus
>> found, was that the method would lead all who conscientiously applied
>> it to the same, objective and timeless true view of things.
>> ^^^^^^^^^^
>> CB: This point on "individualistic" method is a good one. This is how
>> I define positivism.
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