On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 08:19:44PM -0700, James wrote:
> On 08/19/2010 05:10 PM, Greg KH wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 04:28:39PM -0700, James wrote:
> ...
>>> with the default set to 'Y' (to enable current Qt 4.7 based applications
>>> to leverage this capability)
> ...
>>> +    bool "cy8ctmg110 multiple interface support"
>>> +    default y
>> If it's default y, why even have a config option?
> So that it can be turned off if someone doesn't want that behavior.

Why would they not want this?  Why make it a config option at all?

>> And note, we don't do default y for new config options, unless you can't
>> boot your machine without it.
> But it is 'Y' as a sub-option of the TOUCHSCREEN_CY8CTMG110:

Doesn't matter.

> +    depends on TOUCHSCREEN_CY8CTMG110
> so unless the user says Y/m to TOUCHSCREEN_CY8CTMG110, the MULTIPLE_INPUT 
> won't be enabled, correct?

True, but again, it doesn't matter.  Either default to 'N' or just don't
have a config option.

>>> --- a/drivers/input/touchscreen/cy8ctmg110_ts.c
>>> +++ b/drivers/input/touchscreen/cy8ctmg110_ts.c
>>> @@ -81,8 +81,13 @@ struct ts_event {
>>>    * The touch driver structure.
>>>    */
>>>   struct cy8ctmg110 {
>>> +    struct input_dev *input[MAX_FINGERS];
>>> +    char phys[MAX_FINGERS][32];
>>> +#else
>>>       struct input_dev *input;
>>>       char phys[32];
>>> +#endif
>> No #ifdefs in .c files please.
> I'll work on an improvement.  Long term, I suspect this patch will 
> disappear in favor of a full multi-touch-protocol implementation.  However, 
> if you want to deploy an entire multi-touch stack *now*, user space doesn't 
> use the multi-touch protocol, so we're stuck with having to write the 
> driver to the legacy mechanism.

Doesn't that sound like a userspace bug?  Why are you trying to fix it
in the kernel?

> A positive attribute of placing that logic in #ifdef's is that it clearly 
> isolates that code path within the .c file such that a maintainers can more 
> readily remove that code without having oddly obfuscated static inline 
> functions floating around (I'm not arguing for #ifdef approaches in 
> general, just noting a benefit)  One might just redefine MAX_FINGERS to 1 
> and remove all of the #ifdef logic... but in the real multi-touch-protocol 
> solution, we won't need to have code capable of creating one input device 
> per contact point.

Sorry, but no, no #ifdefs please.  That way lies madness in the long

And if someone really wanted to revert these changes, a simple 'git
revert' would be all that is needed sometime in the future.  Don't think
that adding #ifdef would help that effort.


greg k-h
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