This is significant, particularly when you recall that the crash of
2008/2009 was purely a banking crisis.  Sure, lots of folks bought houses
they couldn't afford (only after banks made foolish loans with Freddie/Fanny
cheerleading all the way).  But the taxpayer didn't bail out those
homeowners, taxpayers bailed out the banks and a few businesses (like GM)
that were more bank than automaker.  Domestically, it may not make much
difference immediately because dollars (no matter how many are printed)are
still legal tender. But when dollars become worth less internationally, the
cost of imported things (like petro and all consumer goods) will skyrocket.
That, in turn, will ignite domestic inflation.  Even if the US develops gobs
of domestic energy, it will be exported.

I like my lead with copper jackets.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Of G Mann
> Subject: Re: [MBZ] (no subject)
> China owning USA Bond paper is a small part of the big game.. and the big
> boys playing that game are in the process of failure.... the Giant Ponzi
> Scheme of International Banking has crashed in Mega Size.
> This article, taken from outside the "lamestream Ministry of Truth" is
> rather revealing.
> It is written in German, translated by google into English, so the syntax
> takes some serious close attention, however, it's worth the effort.
> Look, Read, Draw your own conclusions..
> crash-an/
> The attention span for the normal public is to short to grasp the
> magnitude
> of what has been done to them with the worlds money supply... it's no
> longer your local banker in control... These folks plan to control the
> world... and they are.
> Wonder what's next?
> Grant... [Who is considering investing in lead as the next "go to"
> precious
> metal .... maybe a side investment in rope would be good.. hmmm ]


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