Grant wrote:
> ...These folks plan to control the
> world... and they are.
> Wonder what's next?

We have example of citizens managing what's next, don't we?  I am
coming to believe that we have ALL become dupes of media and
entitlement preaching.  Gov't does not infringe unless we let them
take.  Gov't does not owe anyone anything.  We pay, they spend.  Keep
away from those systems as much as possible.  Be an outlaw with that
copper jacket and an entire lifestyle that flips the middle finger at
the fear tactics media and gov't want to shove at us.  We can do this
ourselves.  Do not fear.  Do not fear entitlement systems that are
bankrupt, do nor fear medical lies that we need insurance or that the
system can pay life sustaining care, etc.  We can do this.  Especially
DIY-centric okiebenz.  We need a much better solution-centric mind and
forum instead of bitchin' about what THEY are doing against our
entitlements.  Can we turn this thread in to real solutions thread
instead of bitchin' the same fears and concerns these inepts have been
steering us?  Let's do this, everyone.  I am looking for ideas and
solutions other than the currency since I do not have currency stores
nor reserves nor assets.  How can the people do this as small local
groups grabbing our minds away from their control?  examples?


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