On 1/26/06, John Ervine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tim C wrote:
> > Oh, and you also left out every other situation (e.g, cars often pull
> out in
> > front of bikes) where loud pipes can be of benefit.
> No, I didn't.  Driver error in this instance is due to lack of proper
> operation
> of the vehicle - checking blind spots, failure to adequately judge
> distance or
> speed, etc.  How do loud pipes correct this?  They don't.

You ride down a long and sraight country road. A quarter mile down sits a
farmtractor in a ddrive, ready to pull onto the road. Oncoming is a car. As
soon the car goes by, he pulls out. Never payd attention to the bike. Crash.
If he would have heard you ....he might have noticed you (I said 'noticed',
not seen!)

The systemic problem is improperly, poorly, and/or inadequately trained
> drivers
> on the roadways.  The only way loud pipes will help to reverse this is if
> you
> stop using them for their intended purposes and start beating stupid
> drivers
> with them instead.

Now, that would be road rage.
Hans Neureiter, Houston, TX
'82 300SD, '95 E300D

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