On May 17, 2006, at 10:03 AM, Curt Raymond wrote:

While I guess the basic premise there will tend to be correct in more urban areas maybe in places with a large blue collar population I think you'll find nearly as many drunks falling off Harleys and going splat with no helmet or with just a little brainbucket.

Besides which that discussion is also largely an oversimplification. Now that I've been riding for a few years several of my friends have asked me "When are you going to "move up" to a Harley?" Frankly I see no "up" to move to in the Harley world. My Honda is more powerful, more reliable, more manuverable, faster and overall more cool than any Harley. My Father-in-law rides a Harley Ultra Classic (the big old man's bike) and is one of the few people I know who understands. He and I have an understanding about that bike. He knows the only reason I begrudgingly accept it is because its fuel injected which I think makes an otherwise worthless powerplant appear civilized. Thus when he dies I'll inherit the bike as otherwise it'll just be sold off while for my part I promise to appreciate it for what it is.


I've been riding Harleys for 33 years. I don't get into pissing contests with anyone over anything. If I see someone riding any bike I think "kewl, they're getting the wind in their face and having a good time". I also drive Mercedes Benz cars and use Apple Computers. There are good reasons why I do what I do. I'm sure that most folks have good reasons for doing what they do too. It's all just a matter of preference.

Johnny B.
I Mac Therefore I am

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