On 2/17/15, Stefan Wollny <stefan.wol...@web.de> wrote:
> Am 02/17/15 um 20:36 schrieb trondd:
>> When you are behind your server are you using NAT to get to the
>> internet or a proxy?  If proxy, do you have the proxy environment
>> variables set?
>> Tim.
> Hi Tim,
> thanks for caring.
> No - I am not behind the server: It is just another machine in the same
> internal net. So no NAT.
> But yes - the proxy-variable is set:
> ~ $ cat .profile | grep proxy
> export http_proxy=
> BUT - if you check my second post you will notice that pkg_add does NOT
> get in contact with the squid (port 3128) but directly to
> (being ftp.hostserver.de)

Yeah, but it also show you have a 192.168 IP address which is not
routable.  You have to be connecting to the internet through

> Another friendly guy suggested to disable pf and give pkg_add a try
> without - I did so but at "gnome-keyrings" the connection was lost.

So you can reach the server and get some packages?

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