I did this as an exercise some time ago... when I was learning how obsd works:


Now that I know that there is pjsua in ports waiting for us (it's only
-current), which seems to be compatible for windows and MacOSX and
linux, I'm looking forward to it! (I'm the only one using obsd among
my friends and relatives, but still I want to be able to talk to

And I'd never be using skype...  Putting it into words of Olivier Meyer:

Skype is completely closed source, and the developers have admitted that the
only reason it is not open source, is because the security is too weak. See
and look at the bottom:
"Would he[Niklas Zennstrom, co-founder of Skype] make Skype open-source?
No - that would make its strong 1024 bit encryption and security vulnerable:
"We could do it but only if we re-engineered the way it works and we don't
have the time right now."
This is merely security by obscurity. According to a security analysis
presented at BlackHat, the code is protected with many layers of obfuscation
and encryption, intended to prevent reversing.
Here is relevant sections of the EULA(http://www.skype.com/company/legal/eula/):

4.1 *Utilization of Your computer.* You hereby acknowledge that the Skype
Software may utilize the processor and bandwidth of the computer (or other
applicable device) You are utilizing, for the limited purpose of
facilitating the communication between Skype Software users.

So, basically, you accept the fact that Skype will use any and all resources
to "facilitate communication". How does anyone know that there is not a
backdoor that can bes used to access any machine running Skype.

2007/12/2, Predrag Punosevac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Jacob Meuser wrote:
> > VoIP applications generally require full-duplex audio operation (or
> > two soundcards, but that gets icky as far as configuration goes).
> > you'll have much more luck with full-duplex audio in -current
> > (or when 4.3 is released).
> >
> > also see ports/telephony/pjsua in -current.
> >
> >
> I apologize to everyone for my first message as it seems stirred high
> unintended emotions. I was  merely interested in the technical
> possibility to run
> the Skype on the OpenBSD box. As of this moment I do not have even a
> Linux emulator turned on as I have strong preference for BSD license and
> keeping thing as simple as possible.
> According to above message I could expect technical problems with the
> full-duplex mode on 4.2. I was not aware of it.
> I am familiar with the SIP technology and have strong preference to SIP
> phones over Skype. As of now it seems that there are no
> SIP phones either listed in packages and even ports for 4.2.
> Another reason for being interested in the Skype is purely pragmatical.
> It seems that SIP phones and in particularly Ekiga that I am the most
> familiar with have poor support for Windows and OS X. As most of people
> that I talk to (family and friends) run those operating systems it seems
> to me logical that I try to accommodate them instead of asking all of
> them to change the operating system.
> Speaking of my privacy I have no illusions either. I live in U. S. and I
> do know that all my phone conversations and email correspondence
> are monitored by various government agencies  so I do not expect that
> Skype would be any exception to this disturbing trend.
> One more time my sincere apology to everyone.
> Best,
> Predrag

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