Yes, well, you should make up your mind about your maximum bid and bid it. And, if you don't get what you are bidding on, well, that's life. One can argue that the snipe is a great leveler. The internet model is not like a live auction. In fact, it's not even an auction at all.

Oh, and by the way, bid before you FORGET to.
I have often forgotten to go sit in front of the computer and FAILED to purchase things I feel relatively sure I would have gotten with a snipe.


On Sep 28, 2009, at 4:35 PM, James Richard wrote:

But we all know that one's theoretical "maximum bid" is not always writ in stone. Have you never adjusted your maximum snipe bid as the auction was nearing its close and you saw how the bidding was going and decided that maybe your original maximum might not be quite enough? I certainly have.

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