Kerry, it is correct that you can get on a soapbox such as MoPo or APF and publicly post and yes, an open discussion is endorsed. However, there comes a point where facts are not always in the favor of the person posting. You have admitted that you have never bought from Heritage, therefore you have no idea whether any of the conjecture you pose is even close to true, however if you go back back and read all of your posts both in this thread and on APF, some of your comments come across as stated facts and/or leading questions indicating facts. That's just wrong.

Bruce has a boner for Heritage, so he constantly stirs the pot and "gins up the crowd". One can only guess what motivation he has and myself, while I have expressed privately to Bruce my opinions, I'm not in the habit of attacking my competitors in any way and at the same time, I'm not one to tell Bruce or Heritage how to do anything they do either commercially or personally. Bruce and Grey are both big boys

If I have a bone to pick with someone - and I'm not talking about posting about some stupid ebay seller who doesn't know how to ship - I may tell a friend, but I'm not all that likely to post about it publicly except in extreme cases, like if someone screws me straight up I might say something about that.

Bruce has done great things for the movie poster hobby over the last 30 years and he was pretty good in comics before that. Similarly, Heritage has done great things for the hobby in the last 10 years. Grey Smith himself was no stranger to the movie poster hobby long before he took a job at Heritage (although I was not fortunate enough to have known him then).

as I stated on APF, the photography people at Heritage work autonomously from the Movie Poster people. The same goes for every division under the corporate umbrella at Heritage. Photographers work under certain teachings - color correction, image correction, certain lighting conditions, using high def CMOS element cameras, they use a photography table that opens up so you can put a poster down and then it closes so that a large glass panel presses down on the poster flattening it out for photography. They color match their monitors and their scanner or cameras so that what they see is what they get. They do all kinds of things that Bruce and I do not.

My own photos for my auctions aren't made to be color-perfect matches to the poster in front of me. My photos are meant specifically so that you can see condition issues. I don't use a CMOS camera. I don't have a professional photography table and I can't get away from the fluorescent lights that are installed in this place. But I have not had a single complaint EVER that my photos do not match the item I am selling and as a Heritage buyer my feelings are no different.

I don't see any benefits from anyone trying to run down someone else who is doing fantastic things for the poster hobby.

At 06:04 PM 3/3/2012, lovenoir2 wrote:

If you construe my question or observations as gripes, then this is
truly fruitless. I was doing nothing of the kind, let me be clear. The
same I guess would apply to those others (on APF) that have asked or
commented on the same thing?

And one wonders why issues get blown out of proportion. Bruce asked
the question. A few have answered, myself included. I have never
griped--but made some observations. Isnt it about a healthy debate? it
is, IMO.

HA has some of the best auctions of this kind of rare material. That
is without question.

And no, I have not yet purchased from HA.

Again, if one cannot ask a question, -- or better yet, reply to the
question asked by another (meaning Bruce's earlier post), then what is
the reason for the forums in the first place?


On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 5:34 PM, Richard Halegua Comic Art
<> wrote:
> Kerry
> #1 do you ever buy anything from Heritage
> #2 if you buy anything from Heritage, have you ever gotten an item you feel
> was misrepresented?
> #3 if you ever got an item you felt was misrepresented, did you explain any
> dissatisfaction to Grey Smith or any other Heritage employee
> #4 if you explained any any dissatisfaction to Grey Smith or any other
> Heritage employee, did you get a satisfactory response
> but really, #1 do you ever buy anything from Heritage
> if not, then exactly why would you have a gripe?? which is exactly what you
> seem to have.
> if yuo haven't bought anything from Heritage, then how do you know if
> Heritage has boosted any image color?
> do you have anything in your possession that you bought that you can point
> to that has a color differential at all, or is everything you have stated in
> this thread - just as in the APF thread - just conjecture?
> As I stated in the thread on APF, stating conjecture as fact is WRONG.
> If you have nothing in your possession that you can point to that has had
> it's color boosted by Heritage, then you have no proof and everything you
> write of is just pure conjecture.
> At 05:24 PM 3/3/2012, lovenoir2 wrote:
>> I agree, Steve. As i mentioned earlier, this discussion has also been
>> going on at APF. If someone wants to boost or enhance images in a book
>> or on their own site, containing posters in their collection that are
>> not for sale, that is all well and good.
>> Items for sale or auction, (and especially high end items) should be
>> shown as they truly are and appear (even after restoration or
>> backing). No extra color enhancement should be done to an item.
>> Ps- Others have expressed similar questions or observations, on other
>> poster message boards, franc. And isnt the purpose of a forum or
>> message board supposed to be a place to express opinions, observations
>> and to be able to ask questions without being jumped on? I wasnt
>> attacking you or HA.  Yet you reply with your "Get a grip" response.
>> If a simple question like "Does HA boost or saturate their online
>> images?" cannot be asked without individuals becoming upset or snippy,
>> then there is a problem.
>> -Kerry
>> On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 4:59 PM, Steven Hill <> wrote:
>> > My take on "boosted" images is simple.
>> > It's FINE to do that when presenting the images for use in a book, or
>> > other
>> > decoration.
>> > It's NOT FINE to do that when presenting the images to sell the poster.
>> > -S
>> >
>> > --
>> > Steven Warren Hill
>> >
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