Hi All - I did not think that this would result in so much response both here 
and on other forums.  A few comments to address some of the questions that have 
come up:

When I received the initial complaint, I did not ignore it.  I retained an 
attorney in New Jersey to handle the response.  When it became apparent that I 
would not be able to keep counsel, I figured I would represent myself.  New 
Jersey court informed me that due to my company being a corporation, I was not 
allowed to.  At this point I knew the end result would be a Default Judgment. 
So it was no surprise to me.

On another forum there has been some discussion about restorers and their 
obligation to their clients vs moral obligation to the hobby.  In this case, I 
did the restoration, knowingly restored incorrect information at the bottom, 
setting up a red flag on this poster.  This poster was sent to John Davis for 
authenticity, my red flag was changed, obviously to further authenticate the 
I publically stated my concerns about the poster and, well, we all know what 
happened then.

I had planned, well in advance, for the potential ramifications of this case.  
This will not close Studio C, we are alive and well.  

We have all had "unfair things" happen to us in our life and this happens to be 
one of mine.  It is just money and thieves/crooks, not really important stuff. 
That being said, it has still been such a help receiving all the encouraging 
words from all of you and you will always have my very heartfelt appreciation.


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